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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Kyle Theisen ‏ @theisen4
Replying to @AthleteTweetts
Looks like them on fourth and five

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The defensive line would surely hate to see Larry Johnson go, but that dude is not a head coach. Go right the fuck ahead.
LJ, Sr. is, like, 65-66 years old. Do they think every coach coaches until he's 90?

When I see Franklin have that John Cooper deer-in-the-headlights stare on the sideline, I will let you know. Until then, he is no John Cooper.
He's had it a few times that I've seen. Like when the flurry of time outs was happening on 4th and 5...
he hasn't lost a game with half the amassed talent John Cooper managed to lose games with
This is very true.
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I'm not talking about winning close games, or even winning games that we shouldn't have won. I am talking about the worst kind of coaching not to lose that was indicative of the Cooper years.
Ah. That's kind of a broader OSU cultural thing pre-Meyer though. The best example didn't directly involve OSU. It was the blowing of a 35-3 lead by Glen Mason against TTU that cost him the Minny job. Dude went to a 3-man rush and never came out of it.
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