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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Franklin is colored incorrectly in the view of many Penn State fans.


I went to a local apple orchard/pumpkin patch place yesterday in southern Chester County (not Pennsyltucky but beginning to border it)

I could not help 2 things;
1) enjoying little Jax and I decked out in our OSU sweatshirts in a sea of PSU fans
2) noting the irony of a very nice traffic cop helping my wife into a good parking spot so we didn't have to walk a mile to our car with a bunch of stuff. Said good natured man happened to be African American. After puling out we turned around a little way down the road in a country lane that had a trailer proudly flying a confederate flag.

PA is a fucked up place sometimes
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I went to a local apple orchard/pumpkin patch place yesterday in southern Chester County (not Pennsyltucky but beginning to border it)

I could not help 2 things;
1) enjoying little Jax and I decked out in our OSU sweatshirts in a sea of PSU fans
2) noting the irony of a very nice traffic cop helping my wife into a good parking spot so we didn't have to walk a mile to our car with a bunch of stuff. Said good natured man happened to be African American. After puling out we turned around a little way down the road in a country lane that had a trailer proudly flying a confederate flag.

PA is a fucked up place sometimes
Driving back from the IU game somewhere on west side of the state on SR 127 south of Van Wert a barn with a Buckeye flag, an American flag, and a Confederate flag....:sarcastic:
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