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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


No matter how bad a day I'm having, I can rely on BWI to cheer me up. At least I'm not THIS bad...

Most of these "victims" are much more deserving of jail time than Jerry Sandusky. Absolute scum of the Earth.
They sleep at night only because they've told themselves it wasn't their lies that put him there. It was all the others - like the lawyers and prosecutors told them.
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Report details sexual abuse by more than 300 priests in Pennsylvania's Catholic Church

One paragraph in and I want to go throw up, cry, then kill someone

"We believe that the real number of children whose records were lost or who were afraid ever to come forward is in the thousands," the grand jury report says.
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while true, for every duke lacrosse there are at least a thousand rapes, molestations, and domestic violence altercations that never receive justice or even recognition from another soul.


Report details sexual abuse by more than 300 priests in Pennsylvania's Catholic Church
"We believe that the real number of children whose records were lost or who were afraid ever to come forward is in the thousands," the grand jury report says.
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