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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


I'm shocked that someone on that fanbase of perfect saints would do something like this, let alone post about it.

Nebraska fan's lid lifted at PSU; returned by bad poet
It was a felt crimson cowboy hat with a big white "N" on the front. Most University of Nebraska football fans long ago dropped it from their game-day wardrobes, which speaks nothing but well of their fashion sense.

Northeast Nebraska dentist Jim Murphy kept his, though. It was all about loyalty.

He got it in the Cornhuskers' 1970 championship season. He wore it through Nebraska Coach Tom Osborne's 25-year reign, to his adieu at the 1998 Orange Bowl. He had it on when an ESPN camera panned by at a game last year.

Once, when Oklahoma State fans threatened to snatch the chapeau, soft-spoken Murphy promised, "You might get the hat, but you'll get a lot more boot." End of threat.

Two weeks ago tonight, Murphy, 61, and son Michael Murphy, a 32-year-old medical resident, were in the flood of humanity leaving Penn State's Beaver Stadium, fresh from the trauma of seeing Nebraska shellacked.

Someone -- a student, the Murphys surmise -- ran up, swiped the hat and vanished into the throng.

"I think it hurt him worse to lose the hat than lose the game," daughter-in-law Brenda Murphy said.

"It was his good luck charm," said Michael Murphy. "It was good and honest, just like him."

That was that for the hat, the deflated Murphys figured.

But in a twist of repentance, Jim Murphy's crimson hat didn't go missing long enough even to make it onto a milk carton.

Thursday, 12 days after it disappeared, the hat arrived packaged in a container not much bigger than a shoebox, mailed to Nichole Dobo, a reporter at Penn State's Daily Collegian who detailed the keepsake-gone-missing in a story last week.

"It was a little wrinkled," said Dobo, a senior journalism major from Morrisdale, Clearfield County. "I straightened it out."

On a piece of paper tucked inside the box was a meld of defiance and apology, written in awkward verse that pretty much assures that the brigand wasn't attending Penn State on a poetry scholarship.

"40-7, what were you thinking? Wearing that hat to our house -- you must have been drinking," he wrote. "Next time think twice about wearing that hat. You wear it again and it ain't coming back."

Dobo rebundled the hat and mailed it on to Jim Murphy.

"I'm excited," he said yesterday.

Murphy isn't a Nebraska alumnus. None of his seven children is, either. But like swallows to Capistrano, Nebraskans are drawn to Nebraska football -- Murphy making the 121-mile trip from Norfolk to Lincoln every home game.

"I had a chance to move to Colorado once, but I didn't go," he said. "I don't think I could live in another state because of the football team."

His hat isn't likely to be in the mailbox by today. But Nebraska plays Iowa State today, an away game, so it was an off-week for the hat, anyway.

Meanwhile, for Penn State, the outcome turned into a little less egg on the face over game-day behavior. University President Graham Spanier has already taken issue with game-goers who show up, drink up and behave improperly.

This time, after dozens of letters that complained of verbal abuse by drunken fans, Spanier -- who came to Penn State seven years ago from the chancellorship at Nebraska-Lincoln -- and Athletic Director Tim Curley penned a letter to the Omaha World-Herald, offering "profound and sincere apologies" for "the bad behavior of a few Penn Staters."

As for Michael Murphy, his angst over the episode mostly vanished -- starting when he recounted the theft on a Penn State football message board the day after "and in two hours, I had 50 responses, all supportive."

"For the guy who stole the hat, I hope he comes to Lincoln and comes to the game and brings his dad and brings his hat," Murphy said. "And I hope he's treated with courtesy and sportsmanship and respect."
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That is exactly what it’s like to go to a game there. Everything is theirs once you get on their cowfield. They don’t think twice about harming you or your property, because you dared to wear it to their shitty stadium.

That may be, but they're also very proud of how well behaved they are to fans of visiting teams. Remember: all those stories people have of visiting that stadium are either made up or caused by Pitt fans. This is the first time I can recall that they don't try to argue a story about how shitty their fans are.
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That may be, but they're also very proud of how well behaved they are to fans of visiting teams. Remember: all those stories people have of visiting that stadium are either made up or caused by Pitt fans. This is the first time I can recall that they don't try to argue a story about how shitty their fans are.
I argue they don’t see that action as shitty.
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I argue they don’t see that action as shitty.

Fair enough. But would they find it "shitty" if any of their fans had a hat taken from them in Ohio Stadium?
I'm sure we both know the answer to that and we both know where I'm going with this.

I'm sure all teams have some shit-head fans, and Ohio State probably has more than their fair share of them. I'm willing to admit that. I've never met or read a post by a Penn State fan who is willing to admit that the "urine bombs" have even a remote chance of happening, or that maybe their fans really did walk through our band. And the OSU fan who got clocked in 2007? That must have been a Pitt fan wearing PSU gear who did that.

Hypocrisy is everywhere. But what that fan base manufactures is making even me sick.
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I'm sure all teams have some shit-head fans, and Ohio State probably has more than their fair share of them.

Whatever do you mean?

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Outstanding thread currently on BWI entitled "A Disturbing Moment." The thread is about a Pedster who was out at Buffalo Wild Wings and was triggered by a 60+ year old guy making a snide comment about PSU. Naturally, the board points out that the BWI poster should have thrown down right there in BWW and kicked the codger's ass for disrespecting PSU.


The thread also has some gems that stand out, even for BWI. I love the story of the Pedster at an unspecified road game who grabbed an opposing fan by the shirt and nearly beat him within an inch of his life over "Ped State" comments.

MJG-90: "Ask him if he’d rather shut the f$@& up or take an a$$ whooping at Buffalo Wild Wings."

LionDeNittany: "I was at an away game a few years ago and some guy started yelling "Ped State" and "Sandusky..." whatever after that. Can't recall. I Grabbed him by the front of his shirt and yelled, "you think this is funny?" and the poor kid... some dopey bearded overweight 20something looked at me and said "It was only a joke".

I realized at that point, when this kid thought his life was in my hands, that to outsiders it is a joke. His sincerity was obvious. Like Ann Arbor is a whore. They just think it's funny.

JohnnyZang: "I think it’s hard for people to wrap their minds around how much the scandal hurt the penn state alumni.

I don’t think they would do it if they knew."

ChickenmanTesta: "Should have thrown a piss balloon at him."

jmppsu424: "That "Very distributing moment" was very disturbing. I might have taken a "Buffalo Wild swing" at him if I was 40 or 50-years younger."

LoyalandTrueLion: "Guy deserves a glock barrel down the throat."

odshowtime: "If I could just have one righteous swing of a yuengling bottle into someone's face, just one time, maybe I could move on a bit from the burning hatred I have in my soul from this whole experience."

bmw199: "Similar thing, I played in a Bocce league in Philly (3 time champ FYI) and after shutting out some prick’s team in the playoffs while wearing a Psu wind breaker he goes off talking about child rape and showers at Penn State. I let two comments go and on the third I lost my shit. Shoved him and said first he was a terrible human for making light of a tragedy and second if he said it one more time to me that him and I were going outside. At that point one of my teammates pulled me back and the guy didn’t say another word to me."
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