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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

You think that when Sandusky used to parade those kids around for games, Joe ever shook a kid's hand and told them this would be a day they'd always remember?
Do you ever think when Sandusky continued to parade kids around for a decade after the McCreary conversation Paterno ever thought, "hey, I wonder what happened with that all-that-I-was-legally-required-to-do report to my superiors about the shower? Maybe I should check into that."

Which of course, is the best case scenario and ignores the obvious fact that it was being covered up by his superiors at the direction of Paterno himself so why would he ever check into it when Sandusky continued to bring little boys to the facilities.
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  • they don't care/Joesus taught them that life is too short to get worked up over football
The Book of Franco, Verse 409: "And the true believers gathered at His house, and lo! Joesus appeared at the window. And at the sight of Him the multitude parted and a stillness fell over Happy Valley, and he spaketh these most wise and holy words to us all: BEAT NEBRASKA!"
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In the linked BWI thread, a Joebot Cultist admonishes Temple fans for an inappropriate sign at Saturday's game (the sign mentioned Joesus turning his back and that the Temple fans will do the same). The reason it was such an awful act by the Temple fans to hang such a sign? Because Joesus cared so deeply about the Temple program, of course.

Hilarity then ensues. The Cult is shocked that the classy PSU students chanted "Fuck you, Temple." on Saturday. The Thread really delivers when an enraged Cultist pats himself on the back for angrily confronting some Temple fans who were wearing "Joe Knew" T-shirts. It really does take some big balls to wear a "Joe Knew" T-shirt to State College on the day the University is trying to placate the crazy Joebots.


therod: "I was pretty much dismayed to see you turn your back against our beloved coach JoePa. You may look at as an "occult", that's your prerogative. That being said, you choose to remain ignorant and refuse to understand the whole story. I really don't want to get into that now but if you wanted to know the facts, please go to Ray Blehar's web site and read up on it. I know it is much easier for you to believe the narrative that was set, but truly you will see this is a Second Mile issue and not a PSU issue. For that matter, it's our whole state issue which include the "City of Brotherly Love", Philadelphia. The irony here is that you owe Joe the upmost thanks for how he built relevance to the Temple program. It was he who wanted to include Temple as a team to be included on the schedule. I might add that he took a lot of heat for doing so. He cared about your program and knew that by playing us it would enhance you image both financially and recruiting as well. Do yourselves a favor and get the facts."

psuro: "Is this the reason the students chanted "F**k You Temple?" Three times during the game?"

YorkLion: "I couldn't imagine our students doing that .... was very surprised!"

BucksCountyLion: "Temple students last year were chanting F Penn State and wearing F Penn State shirt.....no condoning it but what comes around goes around!"

tgar: "As I reported yesterday, I ran into two students ( I assume ) wearing Joe Knew tee shirts in the stadium. Posse of six. I got so far up in their faces With the Joe Knew you two little punks spent your teen age years servicing Jerry and you didn't get paid, losers, that I must have frozen their stunned little smug minds. ( Yes, I was very vulgar and they didn't want to confront me though their 4 buddies had more desire to do so. ) they just wanted to avoid me. What the hell were they thinking?"

WestCoast24: "Did you really tell them they spent their teen age years servicing Jerry? Wow"

tgar: "Yeah, it was a lot more vulgar than that. Joe knew you guys spent your teen years blowing sucking and servicing Jerry and you didn't collect your 3 million. What a couple of losers. Only there were lots of F bombs, more vulgarity and a reasonable amount of elevated yelling etc.

As they walked toward me enjoying their glorious smug moment in our stadium I made sure they knew at least one person didn't appreciate their display. It was pretty spontaneous. Their buddies had more presence of mind, that's when the FUs started back and forth."

pandaczar12: "The difference being that there is an avalanche of evidence against Cosby, and essentially nothing against Paterno."
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pandaczar12: "The difference being that there is an avalanche of evidence against Cosby, and essentially nothing against Paterno."
He was the most powerful man an campus.

He was told about probable child rape in the football facilities.

He did nothing for a decade, not even follow up on his initial "report to his superiors," even as the accused rapist continued to hang out with young boys.

That alone makes him a despicable human being, even in the absence of an email where he states that he knows Sandusky is a rapist and he chooses to do nothing about it.

Once again, that's the best case scenario, and ignores that nothing was done for a decade because Paterno ("coach" in the email from the Freeh report) ordered his superiors not to report anything to child services.

I realize this is broken record, but I think it needs to be repeated over and over as the cult, and all Penn State fans in a less extreme way, try to white wash history on this.
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The Book of Franco, Verse 409: "And the true believers gathered at His house, and lo! Joesus appeared at the window. And at the sight of Him the multitude parted and a stillness fell over Happy Valley, and he spaketh these most wise and holy words to us all: BEAT NEBRASKA!"

And the truly righteous believers came to the end of their pilgrimage and placed their sacred bricks upon the site of the destroyed temple. And the Lord said that whosoever honors Joesus honors me and lo and behold the sacred bricks were recast into bronze in the form of Joesus and in the form of plaques commemorating the lettermen of fifty sanctified teams. The temple had once again risen where there had only been ashes of sorrow and betrayal and the Lord was pleased and the Lord said that this weekend shall not be ruined.
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Has it even occurred to BWI that ped state was trying to honor Joesus too by pretending the monument never happened.

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen in regards to these nut jobs. What a pathetic showing. I'm dying right now.

Look at that sign. Can you imagine making that sign for any Ohio State coach? Urban could win 20 more titles before he leaves. I would NEVER make a sign like that for him. What the fuck is wrong with these people.
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