Eh. I could see a rationale PSU fan (assuming there is such a thing) wanting to just concentrate on the football aspect by now and move on. A certain amount of this crazy thing called college football, for all of us, is a pleasant, healthy diversion for a few hours a week from the realities of the grind of life.
If I was born a PSU fan I'd (hopefully) at this point be able to say in retrospect Joe Pa was a monster. What happened here can never happen again and I'd still gladly burn it all to the ground if it could somehow make those children whole again....but it can't and life does move on. No need to walk around self flagellating forever. Be more aware in your everyday life, maybe do some donating to an appropriate cause as your circumstances allow and by all means enjoy football again.
It's the sick fucks who never have come to grips that Joe did something wrong that outrage the rest of the world when all they care about still to this day is the religion of Joesus and the football program as a way of continuing worship.