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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

What is this? Clue?

Colonel yellow in the shower with the candlestick?

Dammit, beat me to it. I must not be a troll because I can answer the questions:

1. Who was raped? Prepubescent and adolescent boys.

2. When? Intermittently over several decades.

3. Where? PSU locker room showers and other places.

And to put it in Clue form: It was Jerry Sandusky, a legendary and beloved PSU assistant coach, in the locker room shower with big hands, a big nose, and . . .
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11-31, 54 yds, 1 INT, 1 sack

Sackenburg's line from last night's preseason game. :slappy:

If only there had been four years of D1 college film on Hackenberg to evaluate before drafting him. Maybe a Pro Day ... a Combine ... Or a made for TV special with John Gruden where some of these flaws could have been identified earlier.
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Time to pack up this thread and store it away. The cult has figured out the key to making everybody realize nothing went wrong and Paterno is a saint.


You trolls certainly can't answer that....therefore, Paterno is exonerated.

Jesus, where do you start?

Another question trolls/uninformed haters can't answer is...
"how was there was coverup by Joe/psu when the one and only witness testified no one ever told him to keep quiet?"

There simply can't be a coverup without the only witness being in on it.

Fairly certain that in each instance of child rape, there was at least ONE other witness in addition to Sandusky himself, i.e., the child being raped. (But, shit, we already know they don't count for anything.)

There have been an awful lot of players and coaches that have gone through Penn State since 2001. Some fired, some transferred, some kicked off the team and some just "moved on". Amazing that not a single one of them has said a word, especially since everyone from the outside thinks anyone on the inside "had to know".

Yeah, right. Because every informed person on earth knows full well that there has NEVER been a reported, confirmed instance of multiple individuals in positions of power and authority knowing a member of their group was raping children and doing nothing other than cover it up.
I mean, that movie Spotlight that won an Academy Award was a work of fiction, right? Isn't Boston cram-full of statues honoring Cardinal Law?


Well, I was going to include the quote about "no anal rape" since these mutants are apparently convinced that is the one and only way to molest a child (or, the only way that is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually destructive.)

But, when I clicked back to the link, the thread is gone. *poof*
Damn shame the entire pustule of a state doesn't do the same thing.
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This seems a little like, "My dog couldn't have bitten your 3-year-old - that's just not who he is."


This is not an easy decision for the BOT. What if they honor Joe and something negative comes out of the trails? That would be pretty bad.

Negative against Joe? I highly doubt it. This thing never passed the sniff test as far as accusations flung at Joe. He's human and we can all make mistakes, but no way am I buying that Joe harbored and/or covered up for a serial child rapist. You'd have to be talking about a different guy because that wasn't in Joe's DNA. The decisions that the man made throughout his entire career would tell you that he wouldn't do such a thing. Hell, when I was in school, he benched Pete Harris, Franco's brother and an All-American who led the nation in interceptions the prior year, for bad grades and improper conduct. So you're going to tell me that this man protected Sandusky? Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!

So Joe couldn't have protected Sandusky because he wouldn't have protected Sandusky?
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Joe's not dead. He's in Argentina with Elvis, Napoleon's Viagra treated penis, and the sentient brain of Hitler in a jar that says Abbie Normal on it.

You can't prove otherwise.

If you had blood, maybe I'd listen.

While we're at it, where's Hitler's due process?!?!?!?!?!?

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The honoring of Joesus just seems bizarre and horrible strategy by the University on so many levels. In addition to a well-deserved roasting by everyone outside the Cult, nothing will ever be enough for the Joebots.

Appeasement as a strategy does not work. It did not work for Neville Chamberlain in 1938 because appeasement never works. The Joebots are further galvanized that this is only the first step and the statue needs to return, the stadium needs to be renamed for Paterno, the BoT needs to repudiate the Freeh Report, the BoT needs to apologize to Sus Paterno and on and on.

Now that the University has shown in spectacular fashion that it will bend to the will of the crazies, there is no limit to the demands those child-rape apologists will try to force on the school.
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The twoplustwo.com poker website has a 16,000+ post thread that has been going strong ever since November 2011 that is similar to this thread. The posters over at 2+2 have supposedly pledged over $700 thus far to hiring a plane to fly over Beaver Stadium during the Temple game while displaying a "Joe Knew" banner. The posters over there seem to be trying to nail down the logistics of such an event. I am not sure such a thing would even be permissible in a post 9/11 world, but I certainly wish the posters at 2+2 all the luck in the world in making it happen.

The great thing about that thread over there is that it includes several PSU grads who are long-time posters and have been appalled by the Cult ever since the scandal broke.

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The twoplustwo.com poker website has a 16,000+ post thread that has been going strong ever since November 2011 that is similar to this thread. The posters over at 2+2 have supposedly pledged over $700 thus far to hiring a plane to fly over Beaver Stadium during the Temple game while displaying a "Joe Knew" banner. The posters over there seem to be trying to nail down the logistics of such an event. I am not sure such a thing would be permissible in a post 9/11 world, but I certainly wish the posters at 2+2 all the luck in the world in making it happen.

The great thing about that thread over there is that it includes several PSU grads who are long-time posters and have been appalled by the Cult ever since the scandal broke.

From that thread, brings a tear to my eye:

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