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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Who knew Penn State's academic rivals are Vanderbilt, Duke and Stanford.
Their academic smack has always cracked me up. I mean, I am sure they are a decent school, but my main interactions with their alums have led me to believe that their graduates are not the brightest bulbs in the box. I did meet a girl who went to PSU that got kicked out for dealing coke and wound up working at Barnes and Noble.
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Who knew Penn State's academic rivals are Vanderbilt, Duke and Stanford.
Their academic smack has always cracked me up. I mean, I am sure they are a decent school, but my main interactions with their alums have led me to believe that their graduates are not the brightest bulbs in the box. I did meet a girl who went to PSU that got kicked out for dealing coke and wound up working at Barnes and Noble.

When in reality they are tied for USN&WR #48 with Florida, Miami, Washington and Yeshiva - and just behind Illinois and Wisconsin.
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As if one BWI thread taking a dump on the departed Stuart Scott was not enough, there's another one. That poor bastard michnittlion created a thread expressing shame on the bashers. Well. you know how well that went. Luckily, demlion set the board straight and pointed out that Stuart Scott was not as bad as Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Jeffrey Dahmer.


psu00: "And this needed a new thread why??? Put it in the thread your bitching over."

rudedude: "Lest anyone here ever,ever forget the heinous b.s. promulgated by ESPN and the deceased:

"But that hasn't stopped virtually every ESPN commentator from prematurely calling for Paterno's head (when you have so much time to fill you need to keep moving the story along, no time to let the wheels of justice turn!) during their tidal wave of endless live coverage.

Steve Levy and Stuart Scott were literally dumbfounded that anyone could possibly be publicly supporting Joe Paterno (hadn't they heard? ESPN had already decided he needed to go!) and they bent over backwards to diminish the credibility of the student's fury."

10 Years After: "My condolences to his family for their loss but I won't be sending flowers or will miss him on ESiPN"

lionlurker: "It's a shame that such a young man died. But that does not excuse what he did while he was alive."

RochLion: "people forget what utterly shameful reporting occurred in the aftermath. Unfortunately this is nothing new in sports journalism and anything to sell a story is the typical mode of operation."

demlion: "Surely you were not this upset with people who were glad when Hitler died? How about your boy Saddam Hussein? He hung on for a long time in the face of impossible odds, didn't he? I understand Jeffrey Dahmer fought that guy with the mop handle pretty good before going down, right?

Not saying Stuart Scott was anywhere near those three in terms of evil, but you recognize the concept that if a person is evil enough, it casts his death in a different light."

Oblivax: "I will never forgive Mr. Scott nor the other sycophants at ESPN. However, that doesn't mean I wish harm on them or chose to dance on their graves."

bkmtnittany1: "I guarantee you I would piss on Louie's grave...and Ken Frazier, Masser, Peetz and Corbutt's!!!"

joeparules: "Hopefully SS will find time to seek out JVP in heaven and get the real story straight from the source and realize just how wrong he was. I guess it is never too late."

john4PSU: "I thought I recalled Stuart Scott got into it on Twitter with a PSU fan and said heinous things about Joe and/or those who defended him. Am I totally off-base here? "
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As if one BWI thread taking a dump on the departed Stuart Scott was not enough, there's another one. That poor bastard michnittlion created a thread expressing shame on the bashers. Well. you know how well that went. Luckily, demlion set the board straight and pointed out that Stuart Scott was not as bad as Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Jeffrey Dahmer.


psu00: "And this needed a new thread why??? Put it in the thread your bitching over."

rudedude: "Lest anyone here ever,ever forget the heinous b.s. promulgated by ESPN and the deceased:

"But that hasn't stopped virtually every ESPN commentator from prematurely calling for Paterno's head (when you have so much time to fill you need to keep moving the story along, no time to let the wheels of justice turn!) during their tidal wave of endless live coverage.

Steve Levy and Stuart Scott were literally dumbfounded that anyone could possibly be publicly supporting Joe Paterno (hadn't they heard? ESPN had already decided he needed to go!) and they bent over backwards to diminish the credibility of the student's fury."

10 Years After: "My condolences to his family for their loss but I won't be sending flowers or will miss him on ESiPN"

lionlurker: "It's a shame that such a young man died. But that does not excuse what he did while he was alive."

RochLion: "people forget what utterly shameful reporting occurred in the aftermath. Unfortunately this is nothing new in sports journalism and anything to sell a story is the typical mode of operation."

demlion: "Surely you were not this upset with people who were glad when Hitler died? How about your boy Saddam Hussein? He hung on for a long time in the face of impossible odds, didn't he? I understand Jeffrey Dahmer fought that guy with the mop handle pretty good before going down, right?

Not saying Stuart Scott was anywhere near those three in terms of evil, but you recognize the concept that if a person is evil enough, it casts his death in a different light."

Oblivax: "I will never forgive Mr. Scott nor the other sycophants at ESPN. However, that doesn't mean I wish harm on them or chose to dance on their graves."

bkmtnittany1: "I guarantee you I would piss on Louie's grave...and Ken Frazier, Masser, Peetz and Corbutt's!!!"

joeparules: "Hopefully SS will find time to seek out JVP in heaven and get the real story straight from the source and realize just how wrong he was. I guess it is never too late."

john4PSU: "I thought I recalled Stuart Scott got into it on Twitter with a PSU fan and said heinous things about Joe and/or those who defended him. Am I totally off-base here? "
Upvote 0
As if one BWI thread taking a dump on the departed Stuart Scott was not enough, there's another one. That poor bastard michnittlion created a thread expressing shame on the bashers. Well. you know how well that went. Luckily, demlion set the board straight and pointed out that Stuart Scott was not as bad as Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Jeffrey Dahmer.


psu00: "And this needed a new thread why??? Put it in the thread your bitching over."

rudedude: "Lest anyone here ever,ever forget the heinous b.s. promulgated by ESPN and the deceased:

"But that hasn't stopped virtually every ESPN commentator from prematurely calling for Paterno's head (when you have so much time to fill you need to keep moving the story along, no time to let the wheels of justice turn!) during their tidal wave of endless live coverage.

Steve Levy and Stuart Scott were literally dumbfounded that anyone could possibly be publicly supporting Joe Paterno (hadn't they heard? ESPN had already decided he needed to go!) and they bent over backwards to diminish the credibility of the student's fury."

10 Years After: "My condolences to his family for their loss but I won't be sending flowers or will miss him on ESiPN"

lionlurker: "It's a shame that such a young man died. But that does not excuse what he did while he was alive."

RochLion: "people forget what utterly shameful reporting occurred in the aftermath. Unfortunately this is nothing new in sports journalism and anything to sell a story is the typical mode of operation."

demlion: "Surely you were not this upset with people who were glad when Hitler died? How about your boy Saddam Hussein? He hung on for a long time in the face of impossible odds, didn't he? I understand Jeffrey Dahmer fought that guy with the mop handle pretty good before going down, right?

Not saying Stuart Scott was anywhere near those three in terms of evil, but you recognize the concept that if a person is evil enough, it casts his death in a different light."

Oblivax: "I will never forgive Mr. Scott nor the other sycophants at ESPN. However, that doesn't mean I wish harm on them or chose to dance on their graves."

bkmtnittany1: "I guarantee you I would piss on Louie's grave...and Ken Frazier, Masser, Peetz and Corbutt's!!!"

joeparules: "Hopefully SS will find time to seek out JVP in heaven and get the real story straight from the source and realize just how wrong he was. I guess it is never too late."

john4PSU: "I thought I recalled Stuart Scott got into it on Twitter with a PSU fan and said heinous things about Joe and/or those who defended him. Am I totally off-base here? "
I didn't even know Stuart Scott, but I can tell you I am a lot more upset about his passing than I will be when these jagoffs kick.
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Some actual football news here....

Three State Penn players have declared early for the NFL draft: OT Donovan Smith, DE Deion Barnes, and TE Jesse James. None of these guys was expected to leave early, and Smith and Barnes are probably mid-to-late round picks. Is Franklin running these guys off, or is he not as popular with his players as State Penn want to believe?
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Some actual football news here....

Three State Penn players have declared early for the NFL draft: OT Donovan Smith, DE Deion Barnes, and TE Jesse James. None of these guys was expected to leave early, and Smith and Barnes are probably mid-to-late round picks. Is Franklin running these guys off, or is he not as popular with his players as State Penn want to believe?
Well, he's not JoePa so... :shrug:
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Some actual football news here....

Three State Penn players have declared early for the NFL draft: OT Donovan Smith, DE Deion Barnes, and TE Jesse James. None of these guys was expected to leave early, and Smith and Barnes are probably mid-to-late round picks. Is Franklin running these guys off, or is he not as popular with his players as State Penn want to believe?

I have the FAX that shows that Larry Johnson, Sr actually coerced Deion Barnes into declaring early. LJohn kidnapped Deion's mom and threatened to, and I quote, "cut that bitch up and feed her to a rabid goldfish" if Barnes didn't sign the paperwork. He still has her tied up in his basement and is keeping her there until the deadline to withdraw his name has passed.

LJohn may also have slipped him a forget-me-now and molested him. Oops! I'm not supposed to mention that until after the weekend. My bad. BEAT NEBRASKA!
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Who knew Penn State's academic rivals are Vanderbilt, Duke and Stanford.
Their academic smack has always cracked me up. I mean, I am sure they are a decent school, but my main interactions with their alums have led me to believe that their graduates are not the brightest bulbs in the box. I did meet a girl who went to PSU that got kicked out for dealing coke and wound up working at Barnes and Noble.

For large Public Universities, they're towards the top... along with Michigan, Wisconsin, Maryland.... the rest of the conference isn't far behind them either (I think everyone but Nebraska, Purdue, and Northwestern (b/c private) are considered Public Ivy)
It's kind of a moot distinction, particularly for Undergrads.
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