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Pac-Two (official thread, formerly PAC-12)


Former Pac-12 football officials offer sharp rebuke of conference leadership and policies in letter to commissioner Larry Scott
Officiating program called a “laughing stock” within the Power Five

By JON WILNER | [email protected] | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: March 21, 2019 at 12:33 pm | UPDATED: March 22, 2019 at 4:38 am

In a letter sent to Pac-12 executives following the 2018 season, three former football officials offered a sharp, detailed critique of the conference’s officiating program and asked “for necessary changes in a positive manner.”

Mack Gilchrist, Charles Czubin and Fred Gallagher, who have more than 100 years of experience as Pac-12 officials, directed their criticism at commissioner Larry Scott and vice president for officiating David Coleman, but they did not let general counsel Woodie Dixon off the hook.

“We do not appreciate the direction this Conference is headed under your direction by disgracing its long and respected heritage,’’ they wrote to the conference in late December. (See the full letter and other exchanges below.)

Calling the Pac-12 officiating program a “laughing stock” within the Power Five, the authors focus on several core issues, including Dixon’s controversial interference in the replay review process last season, bowl assignments, position supervisors, the authority of instant replay officials and the conference’s training program.

Gallagher, who has served as the instant replay official in the College Football Playoff, also told the Hotline that both Coleman and Dixon have entered his replay booth during games to ask about replay decisions and sideline conduct situations.

“I said, ‘Woodie, I’m in the middle of something’’’ he recalled.

Gilchrist retired after the 2017 season. Gallagher and Czubin say they “were retired” by the conference after the 2018 season.

“They said, ‘We need you to move on,’’’ Gallagher said. “I spent 43 years in the conference. I love it. I love the schools. I hate what’s going on.”

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Paging @ORD_Buckeye - University budgets are your sweet spot.

So the PAC-12 is seeking 750mm in outside investment to give up to $60 million to each one of it's schools for significant upgrades to athletic facilities and to modernize Digital AV broadcast capabilities at all member schools.


A Hotline source told me recently that athletic department officials are concerned campus executives will view the cash provided by an equity partner — perhaps as much as $60 million per school — as a chance to eliminate debt.

That those responsible for balancing the books will hijack the process, leaving the athletic departments with nothing left for long-haul resource investment.

They would be right back where they are now, except with an outside entity sharing in their media revenue.

So the conference can't directly send funds to the Athletic departments for investments (same is true in any conference I believe). And responsible University admins want that money to pay down debt.
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Paging @ORD_Buckeye - University budgets are your sweet spot.

So the PAC-12 is seeking 750mm in outside investment to give up to $60 million to each one of it's schools for significant upgrades to athletic facilities and to modernize Digital AV broadcast capabilities at all member schools.


So the conference can't directly send funds to the Athletic departments for investments (same is true in any conference I believe). And responsible University admins want that money to pay down debt.

Well, first and foremost, I'm of the opinion that this kind of privatization scheme rarely ends well, and the money usually does go to cover short term needs rather than long term investment (the deal Drake made to privatize our energy resources being a notable exception).

The PAC's ultimate problem is something far more fundamental than anything a one time cash infusion can solve. Too few of their alumni care about sports, and interest gets crowded out by the wealth of outdoor activities and consequent lifestyles in the region. And let's be frank that when you're talking about the Cali schools and Washington, you have a huge Asian student population (and growing percentage of the alumni) that do not care about sports in the least. They're trying to maintain B1G/SEC athletic departments in the absence of a Great Lakes or Southeastern culture.
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Paging @ORD_Buckeye - University budgets are your sweet spot.

So the PAC-12 is seeking 750mm in outside investment to give up to $60 million to each one of it's schools for significant upgrades to athletic facilities and to modernize Digital AV broadcast capabilities at all member schools.


So the conference can't directly send funds to the Athletic departments for investments (same is true in any conference I believe). And responsible University admins want that money to pay down debt.

There seems to be a simple solution to this... just sell 'scholarships' (admissions) to TGIF children and Instagram models.
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Obviously those were a shot at the SEC and ACC who most likely don't give a flying F because Bama and Clemson are winning championships by "taking the easy route."

I get that. He just doesn’t get that playing one extra conference game or not adding an FCS team is not what’s keeping the PAC out. It’s because the conference just sucks. They aren’t exactly blazing the trail for OOC matchup scheduling either. He acts like they won’t schedule FCS because their busy headlining the Goliath OOC matchups every college football season. Or he thinks that extra game against Arizona or Cal is keeping their heavyweights out of the playoff. The guy is a loon.

He thinks that scheduling an FCS team is the “easy way” to the playoff. I guarantee that if the PAC were to pussify their schedule by adding FCS teams, it would keep them OUT of the CFP more than it ever would get them in.
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I get that. He just doesn’t get that playing one extra conference game or not adding an FCS team is not what’s keeping the PAC out. It’s because the conference just sucks. They aren’t exactly blazing the trail for OOC matchup scheduling either. He acts like they won’t schedule FCS because their busy headlining the Goliath OOC matchups every college football season. Or he thinks that extra game against Arizona or Cal is keeping their heavyweights out of the playoff. The guy is a loon.

He thinks that scheduling an FCS team is the “easy way” to the playoff. I guarantee that if the PAC were to pussify their schedule by adding FCS teams, it would keep them OUT of the CFP more than it ever would get them in.

100% agree. Just found it funny he wants to take shots at the ACC & SEC like that would help his conference bring back the Carroll led Trojans.
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100% agree. Just found it funny he wants to take shots at the ACC & SEC like that would help his conference bring back the Carroll led Trojans.

Or the Kelly led Ducks. But even they never won anything. The last guy I want running my Power 5 conference is a guy out of touch with reality.

Maybe he is right though about his conference. The only way one of their teams get in is with a tough schedule. They can’t play FCS teams because the conference already isn’t taken seriously. Maybe a 10 game conference schedule?
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