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Pac-Two (official thread, formerly PAC-12)

OSU and WSU intend to rebuild the Pac-12 and will keep the conference's branding on their football fields next season despite operating as a two-team conference.

For a conference to exist, the NCAA requires "at least seven active Division I members," all of which must sponsor men's and women's basketball, and for the conference to sponsor at least 12 Division I sports, among other requirements. In the case of departures, the bylaws allow a conference a two-year grace period in which it can exist without the minimum number of schools.
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Rumor: Oregon State and Wazzu may soon receive Big 12 invite​

Oregon State and Wazzu could soon receive an invitation to the Big 12 according to longtime college football radio host Greg Swaim; who hinted as much in a somewhat cryptic post on May 2.

"Good news coming soon for those of us who believe that (Oregon State) and (Wazzu) belong in the Big 12," tweeted Swaim.

This comes as a bit of a surprise considering the Pac-2 schools were part of the ACC's contingency plan -- along with Memphis, Tulane, USF, and UConn -- in the event FSU, Clemson, UNC, and Louisville left the conference according to PressBox DC's Jim Williams. Neither Oregon State nor Wazzu has AAU accreditation, so the hope of joining the Big Ten to keep rivalries with Oregon and Washington in-conference is not slim to none, just none. The B1G fit would be awkward from both an academic standpoint and a cultural standpoint with the Big Ten trying to expand into bigger cities as opposed to smaller college towns.
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Oregon State, Washington State to play home games on CW, Fox in '24​

The CW and Fox Sports will combine to televise the 2024 home football games for the remaining two Pac-12 teams, Oregon State and Washington State, the conference announced Tuesday.

"We are thrilled to announce these national partnerships with The CW and FOX," Pac-12 commissioner Teresa Gould said in a statement. "Oregon State and Washington State football student-athletes deserve this elite stage as they continue competing for the College Football Playoff, and Beaver and Cougar fans have a great opportunity to enjoy their teams successes."
Financial terms for the agreement were not disclosed.

In the wake of UCLA and USC's announced departure for the Big Ten in 2022, the Pac-12 collapsed last summer after former commissioner George Kliavkoff was unable to secure a media rights package enticing enough to keep, most notably, Oregon and Washington on board. After considering a streaming-heavy deal with Apple, Oregon and Washington also jumped to the Big Ten, in what represented a death knell for the Pac-12 as a major conference.

Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado and Utah moved to the Big 12 and Stanford and Cal left for the ACC, leaving OSU and WSU in continued limbo. The schools have a scheduling agreement to play six football games -- three home; three away -- against Mountain West opponents in 2024. Additionally, OSU and WSU entered into an alliance with the West Coast Conference for most of their remaining sports, including basketball.

Just sayin': The PAC-2 gets a TV deal.....:lol:
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Pac-12 Networks to go dark Sunday night after 12-year run

The demise of the Pac-12 Networks Sunday night serves as another stark reminder of the wreckage of college football realignment.​

The Pac-12 Networks launched in 2012 as a Pac-12 Conference media company that promised lots of programming – seven television channels that eventually produced about 850 live events per year with the help of about 150 full-time employees.

But now it’s all over. The Pac-12 Networks finally will go dark Sunday night at age 12 due to complications from a vexing national outbreak – college football realignment.

“Pac-12 Networks will end its signal for its seven linear television channels on June 30 at midnight,” the league said in an email Thursday. “We will no longer broadcast or program these seven linear TV channels.”
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