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Pac-Two (official thread, formerly PAC-12)

You're BP's grim reaper
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Pac-12 commissioner George Kliavkoff bemoans leaked letter that pleaded for UCLA's Big Ten move to be blocked

Pac-12 commissioner George Kliavkoff was grilled at the conference's media days Wednesday about the future of the league amidst a turbulent time after USC and UCLA bolted for the Big Ten. Kliavkoff was quizzed by reporters at Pac-12 Media Days about a letter he sent to the UC Board of Regents in another attempt to block the Bruins’ departure from the Pac-12. Kliavkoff's last-ditch effort included numbers that the Pac-12 commissioner believes prove that UCLA leaving the league for the Big Ten is a bad financial move, according to Billy Witz of the New York Times. Kliavkoff told the media Wednesday that the letter was "leaked."

“Kliavkoff, who declined an interview request, wrote that U.C.L.A. athletes would more than double their time spent in airplanes and increase by nearly half their time on buses traveling to the Central and Eastern time zones, which would affect their physical and mental health and hurt their academic performance,” Witz wrote. “And with 70 percent of U.C.L.A.’s alumni on the West Coast, he wrote that it would be more arduous and expensive for them — and athletes’ families — to attend away games in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

"Kliavkoff acknowledged it was a heavy ask, but wrote that ‘for the current and future generations of U.C.L.A. student-athletes, we would strongly support a decision by the U.C. Board of Regents to reverse the decision made by U.C.L.A.’”

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/ohio-...Ten-move-to-be-blocked-196181148/#196181148_1
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Ha ha - this was the first I heard about it. I found it on Youtube.

Washington State lost 7 yards in the whole thing. The first punt was fair caught at the 5, and the second was fair caught at the 12.

Reminds me a little of the Kick-6 against Bama in 2013. It came after Saban lobbied for 1 second to be put on the clock so he'd have time to try the field goal.
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The Pac 12 seems to be trying to cling to life by raiding the MWC

Brady Hoke will be coaching a Power 5 Conference team again......:lol:


Smart move for keeping the southern cal presence. Wonder who else they might bring in or if that’s it.

Somehow I don't think very many TV sets in LA will specifically be tuned in to watch San Diego State.
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Brady Hoke will be coaching a Power 5 Conference team again......:lol:


Somehow I don't think very many TV sets in LA will specifically be tuned in to watch San Diego State.
That’s true, but I think a big part of it is not surrendering the entire southern half of California to the big ten. For perception, for recruiting. Plus the pac name will do a lot more for San Diego state than SDS will harm the pac reputation. Similar to how TCU joined the big 12 and has been steady at the middle of the conference and occasionally the top.

Personally I am also a fan of the pac 12 overall and would like to see them make it through this.
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Oregon State, Washington State file complaint against Pac-12​

Oregon State and Washington State filed a legal complaint against the Pac-12 and commissioner George Kliavkoff on Friday seeking an emergency temporary restraining order to protect what the schools see as an "imminent and existential threat" to the future of the conference.

With the intent of "exploring opportunities to sustain the Pac-12," the schools are asking for a board meeting of all 12 members Wednesday to be canceled and for legal clarity to be given on who has voting rights to control the future of the league.

With 10 of the conference's 12 members announcing their departures within the past 18 months, Pac-12 bylaws indicate that the presidents at Oregon State and Washington State -- the only members that have not given notification of withdrawal -- should constitute the league's board of directors.

The legal filing by the two schools and its presidents was made in state court in Whitman County, Washington, which is where Washington State is located. The filings include a request for a hearing on the temporary restraining order on Monday, which could give clarity before the scheduled meeting two days later.

"Defendants' actions have left Plaintiffs with no choice but to bring this emergency temporary restraining order to preserve the status quo until a hearing can be had on a preliminary injunction," the filing says. "Plaintiffs are willing to schedule a prompt preliminary injunction hearing and conduct any needed discovery on an expedited basis."

At the heart of the dispute is the distribution of the Pac-12's remaining assets. The filing states that the Pac-12 ended the 2022 fiscal year with $42.7 million in total net assets, a figure that does not include the equity value of the conference's ownership of the Pac-12 Network. For the 2021-22 financial year, the Pac-12 Network reported revenues of $117 million and expenses of $77 million.
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