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Buckeye513;1772995; said:
Get a pull-up bar and do bodyweight CrossFit workouts. You won't need a lot space or equipment and warming up + working out shouldn't take you longer than 10-30 minutes unless you're a huge pussy.


I have a fingerboard mounted already. It is made more for finger strength and hanging. I would typically do a few (or many when I could) pull ups on it, but I have heard that having your forearm fixed, hence pivoting up and over your fixed elbow, could be harmful. I also used to get tendinitis in my arm above my elbow if I climbed too hard after a break. . .

Point: does it matter or do I need a bar?
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kinch;1773014; said:
I have a fingerboard mounted already. It is made more for finger strength and hanging. I would typically do a few (or many when I could) pull ups on it, but I have heard that having your forearm fixed, hence pivoting up and over your fixed elbow, could be harmful. I also used to get tendinitis in my arm above my elbow if I climbed too hard after a break. . .

Point: does it matter or do I need a bar?
I've never used a fingerboard and don't know what the grip feels like so I can't really answer that. If you're worried about hurting yourself, look up proper pull-up form and if you can't replicate the movement on the board then get a bar.
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muffler dragon;1781606; said:
I've decided to take the P90x leap. I have the pull up bar, mat, and Lifeline resistance cords. My intent is to start tomorrow so that I can do the Yoga on Saturdays. I'll post my weight tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.
So how is it?

Can you lift your arms above your head after Day 1? :biggrin:
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Dryden;1782701; said:
So how is it?

Can you lift your arms above your head after Day 1? :biggrin:

Short answer: yes, with some straining of pecs and shoulder joints. :lol:

Back story: My gym membership expired on 9/22, and I'd been debating what I wanted to do for the past month and a half. An amateur body builder said that he would actually recommend me trying the P90x, because of the variance it would be from the way I had been lifting. So, here goes...

Chest and Back sucked. I had to use a chair to do most of the pull ups after the first wide set. That set I got 10, and then I had to use the chair the rest of the time. The push ups have absolutely destroyed my chest and shoulder joints (in a good way).

Yesterday's plyo... I was able to stay on task about 98% of the entire video without delay. Just when Tony started the last repeat session is when I had to stop. Hopefully, I'll be able to get as low as possible by the end of this first 90 days.

I'm looking forward to the shoulders and arms today. This is something I had been concentrating on for the past two years (esp. my shoulders) not for glamour, but because of importance to function.

I'm very glad that there are real and virtual people who are involved in helping me maintain this. I think that I'll be able to get through the 13 weeks and go at it again.
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I finished week 3 this evening. Start the first Recovery week tomorrow.

Looking back, this first three weeks has been interesting. The first week was wretched. I would say that each successive week has gotten better in the sense that I am not rushing around trying to see what exactly they're doing on the TV. I don't have to pause the video anymore except to change the resistance bands. Overall, I think I'm gaining on this program. It's a challenge, and I like that a lot.

I'd like to give props to Dryden who has really helped me out with a lot of suggestions regarding diet, and he's also provided a lot of seeds for me to continue searching for answers by myself.

www.marksdailyapple.com kicks absolute ass.

I'm presently reading The Schwarzbein Principle, which was recommended to me by my naturopath. While starting P90x, I've been changing my diet steadily. I still had a lot of foods in the house that I didn't want to just pitch that aren't particularly good for you. I'm almost completely through those. Upping my protein and eliminating bad carbs. Feel good most of the time (except for some muscle soreness). Haven't lost but a couple pounds; however, I've already noticed my pants are looser and my face appears leaner.

Good things.
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I'm about to embark on my 2nd attempt at P90X.

Last go around I made it through week 5 and had lost roughly 20lbs before I ended up slowly tapering out. That was 6 months ago. Hardest part for me has been the diet, but some of these various resources might definitely help in that regard. It's definitely an encouragement to hop on YouTube sometimes and watch some P90X testimonials. I definitely felt the change and appreciated the challenge so here's hoping round 2 goes the distance.
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SloopyHangOn;1796589; said:
Hardest part for me has been the diet, but some of these various resources might definitely help in that regard.
Altering your diet is far more challenging than kicking yourself into shape with exercise, but changing your diet can have more profound effects on your body composition than any amount of exercise ever could. As the saying goes, six-pack abs are not made in the gym, they're made in the kitchen.
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Just a short update on me. Today marks 45 days in P90x (and trying to become more Primal in my diet). While weight isn't exactly functional, it's one metric that I could measure when I started. I've lost nine pounds since I started, and I've become stronger. Therefore, I'm not concerned about losing lean muscle mass. Functionally, all my britches are rather loose. I feel good, and I'm enjoying the change.
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This morning was Day 1 for me. I'm feeling fatigue and a little twinge in my shoulders just typing this. My goal isn't really to get ripped or anything, I just want to be not quite as fat. Being able to fit back into my blue jeans would be nice.

I don't think I can do the food plan or match my diet to what I've read in this thread. I've always been a picky eater - to the extent that almost all vegetables repulse me. I am going to try cutting back or cutting out a lot of sugars and carbs while I do this and see where it gets me.

My wife is doing this too. We had to pause the DVD at one point where Horton was talking about the benefits of pushup bars being effective because "they give you an extra six inches so you can go super deep". :lol:

I'm glad to see people say that it gets... I don't want to say "easier" but it's the only word I can think of. It gives me motivation to try to stick with it past the first week. I think I'll like it a little better when it becomes enough of a routine where I don't have to follow the DVD intently. The 52:00 this morning seemed to drag on and on. I think I'll like it a little better when I can get through it in 40-45 minutes.
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jlb1705;1836903; said:
I'm glad to see people say that it gets... I don't want to say "easier" but it's the only word I can think of. It gives me motivation to try to stick with it past the first week.

I empathize with this statement entirely.

I was SO relieved once I got on to the 2nd and 3rd weeks where I started to notice that the routine wasn't getting easier, but it was getting more comfortable to do and was putting less unnecessary strain on my body because I wasn't AS out of shape as I was when I started. By the time you hit the 2nd phase you'll feel like your body was designed for this program (because it really was). Keep truckin'! It's worth it.

My goal was to simply trim up and fit in my clothes better (much like yours) and I essentially lost about 30lbs of bloat and fat and gained about 10lbs of muscle in the first 8 weeks. I'm on my way to day 90 and am pretty stoked about the results. Admittedly, I haven't yet streamlined my diet to perfection but simply getting it pointed in the right direction has elicited results.
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