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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

Here in Nevada the Buckeyes are finally making news. After the Indiana win the showed highlights locally for the first time this year. After Minnesota the sportscaster had 10 mins with the UNLV coach about OSU v scUM.

The population is probably 40% Buckeyes, 40% Huskers and 40% USC bandwagon jumpers.:paranoid:
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Great post Daddy Big Bucks.

I heard the first good thing about the Big Ten on the local news today. Something to the effect, that if Lousiville or WV were to play the Bucks, or Michigan, both teams (Lousiville/WV) would be tore up. (Which I agree with.)

The thing about media and human nature as a general is you can do ten really great things, but you mess up ONE time, and that is all anyone will remember.

Of course, I may be stero-typing. :)
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I'm from the southside of Chicago, and there alot of support for the golden domers down here. ND fans are always saying stuff to me for wearing the tOSU gear. Every time I mention the Fiesta Bowl, their bowl drought, or our ranking, ND fans respone is "At least we dont pay our players." They have got to be the most uneducated fans in the country.
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UpNorthBuckeye;651911; said:
The only thing that bothers me a teeny little bit is when people say, "yeah you got a great team but I hate going down there to see The Game and getting my car vandalized or my wife abused."

I don't think we need to apologize for the Buckeyes being superior, just let's not act like jerks.

No need to worry. From what I have seen, there is little chance that anyone will want to abuse their women. Of course, what they may really be saying is that they don't want their women to know that 2 inches is not 8 inches.
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Steve19;652201; said:
No need to worry. From what I have seen, there is little chance that anyone will want to abuse their women. Of course, what they may really be saying is that they don't want their women to know that 2 inches is not 8 inches.

OSU does keep cattle at Kenny and Lane. Some of their women may come up missing, mistaken for strays from the herd.
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Living here in Phx....waitng for the 4th in 5 years...and the Buckeyes are well loved and respected here....with so many alumni within a 3 hour drive...its really no wonder why....But seriously, I have never heard so much respect and love for the Buckeyes than this year....so :oh:
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SATXBuck;652445; said:
Great Post DBB!

Thanks to tOSU coming down to San Antonio in 2004. Plus, kicking some Okie St ass in the Alamo Bowl. My family & I can finally get tOSU gear locally! Also, Texas loves Troy Smith! :oh: :io:

Thats very odd, Im not that far north of you in San Angelo and all I hear here is about how Texas should have beat the crap outta us this year, and when (yes, they say WHEN) Texas plays us this year in the NC game they will beat the crap out of us. There are by my count 9 sports apparel stores in town and out of all of them, I have found one very generic shirt, and one hat with Buckeye logos on them.

And more often than not when I walk around town in my Buckeye gear (thank god for the internet) I get alot of dirty looks, and people who talk to me mention how much they hate Ohio State. I am glad to hear that we are getting love around the rest of the country though.
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I live in South GA and we seem to be pretty well respected here. I even know firsthand that there are a few fans here. Last week I had Hang On Sloopy playing in my car and someone on the street yelled O-H to which I responded I-O. Probably a transplant like myself, but cool all the same.
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Crystal76;652117; said:
Great post Daddy Big Bucks.

I heard the first good thing about the Big Ten on the local news today. Something to the effect, that if Lousiville or WV were to play the Bucks, or Michigan, both teams (Lousiville/WV) would be tore up. (Which I agree with.)

The thing about media and human nature as a general is you can do ten really great things, but you mess up ONE time, and that is all anyone will remember.

Of course, I may be stero-typing. :)

Okkkaaay, so this morning I am up at an ungodly hour watching the local news. Now, I admit to being highly CRANKY when I don't have my coffee. A coffee drip would be a good thing to invent for people like me who spends most of the morning growling like a bear and wonder what the hell I am doing up at 6 in the morning on a Sunday.

Anyways to my point. They were talking about ND...how these players are such saints and would NEVER take a dirty shot at an opposing team. (Yes, and the Cubs really won the world series...)

The lady(not the word I used for her this morning...IE no Caffine makes me the word I use to describe her.) made a comment at seeing a ND player taking a cheap shot at another player...She says "That is not how ND plays it was kinda troubling to see, you expect to see that sort of stuff with teams like Ohio State or Michigan." I am paraphrasing.

Well, crap I keep forgetting that play for ND is one step down from being the pope in the Vatican. And GOD knows ND players would NEVER play dirty, or anything like that.

*sighs* I really need to stop watching the news.
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CBS Sportsline

This is quite an entertaining read......

Here is an exert:

Poor Louisville. The team might go undefeated and schmoes like me are cracking on them like a helmet on Joe Paterno's shin.

I mean, what exactly about their schedule is not to like, a schedule that includes Kentucky, Temple and Middle Tennessee. Throw in Buffalo and Towson State and their strength of schedule might equal my high school's.

Or the Mean Machine's.
Don't get mad, Cardinals fans, because there is still a chance we might see Ohio State versus Louisville for the national championship or, as Buckeyes coaches are secretly calling the potential matchup: nap time.
Ohio State, with its 48 NFL Draft picks, would lose to the Oakland Raiders, 20-14. In overtime. They're that stacked. The Buckeyes would beat the Cardinals -- if I could borrow from Chad Johnson's mangled Spanish -- Ocho Cinco to seis.

The caca would hit the fan.

It would be 20-0 after the first half and millions of television viewers would be falling asleep faster than Terrell Owens in a team meeting.
I can see it now. Mr. Sweater Vest, in a corner of his office somewhere, the door closed, making sure no one is around to witness what was about to happen, and then suddenly, upon contemplating the thought of his Buckeyes against the Cardinals, breaks out into a bellyaching laugh. "Please, please, I can't take it," he might whoop, "Louisville against us in the national championship game? Bwaaaaa!"
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CleveBucks;655547; said:
Not a fan of that article. It reaks of the articles written before the 2003 Fiesta Bowl.

Exactly. If Louisville wins tomorrow night we're bound to see more rudely dismissive articles about their prospects in a match-up with the winner of the game on the 18th.
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