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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

Ohio State is the awakening giant in college sports that everyone has been dreading at these other schools.

With the right leadership, OHio State can become one of those mega-programs (It is already there in football), but it could just as easily get there in basketball....

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Quinn has laid several eggs on national TV. The Michigan game buried him. The MSU game was more about the collapse of the Spartans as oppossed to the play of Quinn. He had a miserable day against UCLA until the end and then it was more about Alphabits catch than Quinn's throw. He could get back in contention if he has a superb game against USC, but unless ND's defense morphs into something that can actually stop someone other than Navy, Air force and Army, I don't see him outplaying Booty that day.
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cincibuck;642904; said:
...but unless ND's defense morphs into something that can actually stop someone other than Navy, Air force and Army, I don't see him outplaying Booty that day.

cinci, you know I like you man; but DO NOT assume that ND can stop Navy or Air Force. I would not be at all surprised if both of those teams rush for 300 yards on the Irish.
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DaddyBigBucks;642932; said:
cinci, you know I like you man; but DO NOT assume that ND can stop Navy or Air Force. I would not be at all surprised if both of those teams rush for 300 yards on the Irish.

I would have agreed with this until Navy lost Brian Hampton, their option QB who tore an ACL against Rutgers 10 days ago.
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This morning one of the Hawkeye fans brought in bagels and the Hawkeye, Gator fans and I gathered around them and talked football. The Seminole and Hurricane fans were absent, not wanting to even be near football conversations this November.

One of the Gator fans asked me who I thought the Buckeyes would play in Glendale. I answered that I hoped we made it and I also hoped that Rutgers beats Louisville next Thursday so that we can play his Gators instead of the Cardinals.

He answered, "I don't want any part of the Buckeyes this year. You can have Louisville." All of the other Gators nodded silently as they spread the cream cheese on their bagels.
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SanClementeBuck;640558; said:
The most pleasant thing: There are a host of Buckeyes out here in SCal! Hardly go a day where I don't bump into a Buck. We're all over the place.

I was out in Dana Point on vacation a couple months ago, and had multiple people come up to me and comment positively on the OSU shirt I was wearing.
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