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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

Shivvy77;1232599; said:
One would think that Ohio State's over-the-top reputation for fan behavior would be somewhat mitigated by the fact that we play in the same conf. as Penn State. I can't imagine a more wide spread criminal nature in any fan base as the sociopathical behavior on display in State College.
You haven't been to a Maryland game wearing the other team's colors.
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HailToMichigan;1232684; said:
You haven't been to a Maryland game wearing the other team's colors.
I've been to a W Va game wearing OSU colors... it was cool until we started to beat them like a drum. Then I was wishing they had a "no re-entry" rule when people left to get their beer. I think it's like that a lot of places.
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I used to go to every Gator football game, and the NC games for both football and basketball in scarlet and grey. Oddly enough, the fact that I wasn't wearing jorts was all they needed to determine I wasn't one of their own.
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Jim Tressel is exactly the kind of football coach he would have loved to play for

Dan Sileo, the main talk radio guy in the AM covering both the Tampa Bay Area and Orlando markets is a former Miami football player. He normal blasts teams for playing weak out of conference schools.

Today he had some very nice comments about Jim Tressel and even OSU playing YSU. Acknowledging the great character of Tressel, he added that Tressel remembers where he came from by playing YSU. Another great comment from Sileo was his assertion that Jim Tressel is exactly the kind of football coach he would have loved to play for.

Tampa Bay Area and Orlando is a big market and nice to hear a good plug for the buckeyes even from a cane. There are a lot of nice recruits around here.

On a funny side note:

Early in the baseball season Sileo boasted, ?For every game the Rays finish ahead of the Yankees Dan will wash 10 cars of Rays fans!?

This is current at ?11 games back means Dan washes 110 Rays fans' cars!?

The promo image is somewhat disturbing

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Our rep has defintely gotten alot of play recently, but I think it's a rep as a rabid, knowledgable, but POLITE fan base.

Met a couple on the Amtrak back to DC who both were Tex alums. Both mentioned how great our fans were when we played them in Austin and how devoted they were to the squad. I ran into the same thing at the NIT this year,lots of people favorably commented on my ratty, worn every day of my life OSU hat and shared their respect for TOSU.

So good on all of us as reps of the school and to hell with the naysayers and dare I use the term "haters".

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Joe56;1254324; said:
Our rep has defintely gotten alot of play recently, but I think it's a rep as a rabid, knowledgable, but POLITE fan base.

Met a couple on the Amtrak back to DC who both were Tex alums. Both mentioned how great our fans were when we played them in Austin and how devoted they were to the squad. I ran into the same thing at the NIT this year,lots of people favorably commented on my ratty, worn every day of my life OSU hat and shared their respect for TOSU.

So good on all of us as reps of the school and to hell with the naysayers and dare I use the term "haters".


Most people I talk to here in Texas have a great deal of respect for tOSU. Older people generally talk favorably of Woody Hayes and have a great deal of respect for JT. Sure I get the occasional chump who wants to run his mouth, but I generally find that those people either didn't attend any major university or their usually from some scrub school like Oklahoma State or Texas Tech who occasionally get deliusions of grandure every couple of years when they knock off a big dog down here like Texas or Oklahoma. Honestly I think the large majority of disrespect the Big Ten and the football program gets is usually limited to ESPN and online SEC fans.
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To those who think the Sooners are getting a pass that isn't afforded us: The CFN guys are unanimous:

Oklahoma is the Biggest BCS Bust

Fiu said:
Remember, Ohio State owned the BCS for a while. After beating Miami in the classic 2003 Fiesta Bowl, it went on to beat Kansas State in the 2004 Fiesta and Notre Dame in the 2006 Fiesta. While the Buckeyes have lost three straight BCS games, they can hardly be ripped on for last year's loss to Texas after Colt McCoy took his team on an epic drive to pull off the win.

Neither team deserves the "bust" tag, but they'd better show up this bowl season and end the slides or else they'll be harder and harder to defend.
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Honestly, who really cares about our image? If say we win a BCS bowl game this year against a major opponent, or Colt McCoy didn't have that drive, our image would be back to what it was after our NC. This image thing is a joke, and I laugh at all of my non OSU fan friends who try and rip me, but have nothing to say because they know we still constantly put out a quality product. Thats like ripping the Buffalor Bills(and yes I'm a Bills fan) for losing to the Cowboys, I mean they were the team of the decade for Christ Sakes, lol! Same with the really good LSU team, people forget that we were picked 3rd in the Big 10 that year, and needed 2 teams to lose their final games to make it to the NC, I'm sure most of us were just as shocked that we ended up in that NC game, but we showed up and were several dumb penalties away from winning it. Now Florida was a different story, we just were cocky and got ran off the field. But that doesn't take away that we're still and always will be a quality program, Texas had the same tag before Vince Young got them over the hump, lets not be worried about others criticism, fans tend to have short memories when u start winning big again.
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