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OSU forward will have lots of fans in Omaha
Friday, February 16, 2007
Scott Priestle

The Ohio State men?s hockey team is in Omaha, Neb., this weekend, as close to a homecoming as senior Bryce Anderson will have. Sixty to 70 of his family members and friends will make the four-hour drive from Waterloo, Iowa. His parents spent the week securing tickets.

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Buckeyes get a road split at Nebraska-Omaha with a 4-3 win on Friday and a 2-1 overtime loss for Saturday. We are now tied for 6th with UNO in the CCHA standings with m*ch*g*n coming to town this weekend. I'll be there for both games, who else is going?
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BuckeyeStu;756369; said:
Buckeyes get a road split at Nebraska-Omaha with a 4-3 win on Friday and a 2-1 overtime loss for Saturday. We are now tied for 6th with UNO in the CCHA standings with m*ch*g*n coming to town this weekend. I'll be there for both games, who else is going?

I'll be there for Saturdays game.

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Buckeyes will get bounced off home ice again
Friday, February 23, 2007
Scott Priestle
The amenities of the Schottenstein Center, including the locker room, helped convince Mathieu Beaudoin, seated in chair at right, to enroll at Ohio State.
When Mathieu Beaudoin visited Ohio State in January 2003, it was only his second official campus visit as a hockey recruit, and only his second time on an American campus. He was impressed by the sheer number of bodies and buildings, the Fisher College of Business, the Schottenstein Center.

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Late goal lifts Michigan past OSU
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Scott Priestle
MEGHAN GAURILOFF DISPATCH Ohio State?s Tyson Strachan takes a shot during the second period against Michigan.
Oil met water last night. The Ohio State men?s hockey team, as red-state conservative as its uniform would suggest, went stride for stride with Michigan, so liberal on defense and aggressive on offense, for most of 60 minutes.
"There was a lot of skating tonight," Buckeyes forward Mathieu Beaudoin said. "Fiveon-five against that team, it?s just back, back, back. We?re trying to play aggressive. It?s tiring for us to play that style of play."
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what a game, the Schott was rocking. After the buzzer both benches cleared, and they were all trying to fight each other but the refs did a great job of breaking everything up. the teams didn't even shake hands after the game.

I think that team from the state up north took the loss pretty bad. :biggrin:

will post pictures from the game later after getting some sleep. the drive home sucked thru all the freezing rain.

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bucknutz;762376; said:
what a game, the Schott was rocking. After the buzzer both benches cleared, and they were all trying to fight each other but the refs did a great job of breaking everything up. the teams didn't even shake hands after the game.

I think that team from the state up north took the loss pretty bad. :biggrin:

will post pictures from the game later after getting some sleep. the drive home sucked thru all the freezing rain.


Sounded like a great game! :oh:
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bucknutz;762376; said:
what a game, the Schott was rocking. After the buzzer both benches cleared, and they were all trying to fight each other but the refs did a great job of breaking everything up. the teams didn't even shake hands after the game.

In all honesty you would hope that the teams would display more sportsmanship than that. The last thing you would want is for any Ohio State team being in a post game fight and making every sports reporter's "lead in" news story.
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