MD Buckeye
BP Soft Verbal
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Former BPCFFB II Champ
Former FF League III Champ
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Great read.
To Whom Much Is Given Much Is Required
To Whom Much is Given, Much Is Required – From a Fresh (Freshman Mom’s) Perspective
By Jacquie Jordan
Twelve months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours…one year later, I sit here reflecting on the wonderful gift that my son was given. As I reflect, my glasses are crystal clear, not rosy, not foggy, but clear, on the gift that required much. When my son took his official visit in December 2015, the only thing that was promised is that he would work hard. That was the truth.
In January, we headed to San Antonio for the U.S. Army All-American -Bowl, and that would be a significant turning point in his life. He flew directly to Columbus from San Antonio to The Ohio State University to realize his dream. Just like that, my boy was off to become a grown man. As a freshman mom, I had seen pictures flooding my timeline from moms unpacking their kids into their new dormitory life. That never happened for me. Literally, we dropped him off one cold January night; and the next day, he started a full-time job as a student-athlete.
Great read.