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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)


Ex-Wolverine Boren stops by practice

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 3:28 AM
By Tim May

Insiders have said all along that former Michigan offensive lineman Justin Boren is most interested in transferring to Ohio State, where he would have to sit out the 2008 season but would have two years of eligibility remaining.

Former Michigan offensive lineman Justin Boren was a visitor at Ohio State spring practice yesterday, perhaps indicating he might be near a decision on whether he intends to transfer to OSU. A starter last year as a sophomore, Boren gained his release from the Wolverines two weeks ago after growing disenchanted with new coach Rich Rodriguez and his staff. The Pickerington North grad and son of former Michigan linebacker Mike Boren has been contacted either directly or indirectly "by 50 schools or more," his father said.

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osugrad21;1135545; said:
Former Michigan offensive lineman Justin Boren was a visitor at Ohio State spring practice yesterday, perhaps indicating he might be near a decision on whether he intends to transfer to OSU. A starter last year as a sophomore, Boren gained his release from the Wolverines two weeks ago after growing disenchanted with new coach Rich Rodriguez and his staff. The Pickerington North grad and son of former Michigan linebacker Mike Boren has been contacted either directly or indirectly "by 50 schools or more," his father said.
Rumor has it that Boren had to make sure we don't run as many sprints as M*ch*gan before transferring :wink2:
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snake charmer;1135762; said:
s&g......sprints had nothing at all to do with boren departing um. hes in great shape......don't believe the scum boards.

I think S&G was being sarcastic, i.e. making fun of those particular types of scum board posts. :wink2:

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Welcome aboard Justin!


OSU football: Boren's transfer sure to add spice to rivalry

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:27 AM
By Tim May

The Columbus Dispatch
Offensive lineman Justin Boren has decided to transfer from Michigan to Ohio State, and OSU football historian Jack Park thinks it is an unprecedented move. Citing disenchantment with the new Michigan coaching staff of Rich Rodriguez, Boren -- a sophomore starter in 2007 -- left the Wolverines last month. Coach Jim Tressel confirmed for The Dispatch last night that Boren, who attended Pickerington North, intends to play for the Buckeyes after sitting out the 2008 season because of NCAA transfer rules.


"It's exciting to be coming back home to central Ohio," Boren, who just finished the spring semester at Michigan, said in a statement through Tressel. "I am looking forward to the chance to help the Buckeyes continue their excellence in any way I can."
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