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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

I don't know is this has a place in this thread since it is purely rumor. If not, I apologize and delete if necessary. This is from my scUM fan brother-in-law and, if true, it makes sense with respect to Boren leaving. Maybe the local scUM contributors can shed some light. He said this after I shared with him what I learned from this thread, that Boren sent out feelers as early as January:

The rumor in AA is his old man was reassured that Miles was going to be taking over before he even signed with UM, that was supposedly what the Bo meeting was all about. Remember Lloyd was sick and new he was leaving, it was supposed to be a done deal that Miles was coming. I wonder if any of that would have been different if Bo hadn't died. I really would like to know the truth regarding the Miles hiring. Anyway, I heard that he looked to transfer as soon as Miles didn't get the job.
He also went on to defend RR and his staff's treatment of Boren, explaining that Boren didn't like the "in your face" style of his new OLine coach, as he called it, or IYF as it is known up there. I just couldn't imagine that this kid who has played this sport at almost every level would not be used to being pushed, corrected, reprimanded, yelled at, cussed at, etc. Something happened that really turned him off, IMO.
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its amazing to hear all the rumors going around about boren. first of all its not true that mike was banking on miles becoming head coach.

sure the family would have loved for miles to become head coach. what michigan alumni didn't.

but there were no plans for justin to leave till they got to see how rr coaches.

as for offensive line coach.......hes the biggest Ahole of all the new coaches.

one thing for sure no matter what justin says now....hes not going to win.

he knew that when he said what he did. but FWIF it has helped the team in that rr is being watched closely and hes toned it down. for now.

but for how long can it last??
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The rumor in AA is his old man was reassured that Miles was going to be taking over before he even signed with UM

Never thought of that - but it is plausible.

I guess Herbie is keeping an eye out for his old team after all. Helps us land Boren and destroys the UM football program in one little premature announcement.
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Matthew Zemek weighs in on Boren's departure.

Zemek blog: Family Values In An Election Year


Justin Boren should not be taken to task for his remarks--they are merely the understandable outpourings of a very young soul who feels some degree of disenchantment and alienation. (Haven't we all felt those feelings at some point in our lives, especially when we were Boren's age?) Coming down hard on Boren is not and must not be the solution one should find in any argument that is sympathetic to Rodriguez in this case. The purpose of defending Rodriguez on this "family values" issue is to emphasize the importance of according fresh respect to people even when they are saddled with burdens and missteps from past years.

Rich Rodriguez still has a lot to answer to for the way he treated West Virginia. Does this mean he should be pre-judged at Michigan whenever any form of controversy comes along? No way.
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When Rodriguez arrived at WVU, he treated a number of Nehlen's kids poorly...told many of the returners that they were only there until his kids learned the system.

Why is anyone surprised the same thing is happening at Michigan?

Rich Rodriguez should be respected for his offensive innovations...however, the respect usually stops right there.
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osugrad21;1129639; said:
...Why is anyone surprised the same thing is happening at Michigan?...

Precisely because it's happening at Michigan... I, for one, thought the powers-that-be at TSUN would have known better than to allow RR to continue to operate that way in AA; much less to have a kid break down and basically call the program's reputation for integrity into question.
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Getting pretty close to "what the definition of 'is', is" territory.

matcar;1127967; said:
Originally Posted by Jaxbuck
If you aren't in politics you should be.

Originally Posted by HailToMichigan
When I go into politics, no doubt you'll be right there with a microphone and a notepad. Stop trying to twist my words around to make that ludicrous claim. Find me where I said that. Find me where I said anything stronger than he was probably going to have to earn his job in camp like everyone else. And find me where I said I believed he'd lose his job.

Originally Posted by HailToMichigan
I never, ever, ever claimed Boren wouldn't start.

Originally Posted by HailToMichigan
...given that RR declared open season on every starting job, it should have come as no surprise if someone else demonstrated a better grasp of the system and Boren sat.

It's clear to me from all of those posts that HTM is correct that he never stated that Boren would lose his job. All he stated is that it wouldn't be a surprise. Big difference between that and actually stating he wouldn't start.

Having said that, yeah, it's obvious that HTM is trying to minimize the impact/loss and embarrassment of this, but he never stated anything beyond the fact that it wouldn't be a surprise if Boren lost his job. Is that stretching things...I think so, but we're stretching things just as much by attempting to pin him down as definitively stating he WOULDN'T have started.

Meh, BB73 said what I said first, and he said it better. Thanks BB.
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JCOSU86;1129663; said:
Getting pretty close to "what the definition of 'is', is" territory.
No. It's not. But enough of that. Boren is obviously moving on and the TSUN nation will move on soon too. TSUN has a proud tradition so I'm sure they'll survive (hell, maybe even prosper in) the RR years. Boren, well his timespan is short so I hope he find the right place to shine again.

Would be real nice if he walked-on here, but that seems like a lot to ask of a guy who could get a scholarship from almost anywhere.
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JCOSU86;1129663; said:
Getting pretty close to "what the definition of 'is', is" territory.

Definition of "is":

Audio Help /ɪz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[iz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. Fuck M*ch*g*n.
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shetuck;1129640; said:
Precisely because it's happening at Michigan... I, for one, thought the powers-that-be at TSUN would have known better than to allow RR to continue to operate that way in AA; much less to have a kid break down and basically call the program's reputation for integrity into question.

I understand your point, but you took mine in a different direction.

Michigan knew what it was getting when they hired him. The hire itself was surprising. His actions thus far are not.
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