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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

RR will make UM better, but they will get worse first

One of my employees who is a Michigan grad was at their spring practice/scrimmage. Of course he lead off our conversation about how much better in shape the lineman looked this Spring than last. Fine. He then proceeded to admit that he was shocked how often and how loudly Coach Rodriguez and his assistants were dropping F-bombs all afternoon. There were kids there watching too.

After a few minutes I had my employee's opinion changed about not only why Boren left, but also how the Michigan blue bloods aren't going to like this guy in 2 or 3 years unless he has miraculously brought them a BigTen title by then.

Boren...probably with his father agreeing...saw the foul mouthed RR regime as a sign that Michigan has sunken to a new low and sold themselves and their so-called tradition of doing "things right" for a big name flavor of the month.

suck it, michigan
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DaveyBoy;1146630; said:
One of my employees who is a Michigan grad was at their spring practice/scrimmage. Of course he lead off our conversation about how much better in shape the lineman looked this Spring than last. Fine. He then proceeded to admit that he was shocked how often and how loudly Coach Rodriguez and his assistants were dropping F-bombs all afternoon. There were kids there watching too.

After a few minutes I had my employee's opinion changed about not only why Boren left, but also how the Michigan blue bloods aren't going to like this guy in 2 or 3 years unless he has miraculously brought them a BigTen title by then.

Boren...probably with his father agreeing...saw the foul mouthed RR regime as a sign that Michigan has sunken to a new low and sold themselves and their so-called tradition of doing "things right" for a big name flavor of the month.

suck it, michigan

Damn, and all the M*ch*gan fans at my work have been deafly silent. I do occasionally get one guy who constantly corrects my misspelling of the state up north. Other than that, not a peep.

Welcome aboard Justin!
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Reminds me of when Luke Skywalker was fighting the Emperor in Return of the Jedi and Darth Vader fights the darkside in himself to save Luke and kill the Emperor. :nerd:

Welcome back from the darkside Justin!

And by the way your new slogan is..........:scum4:.

Time to put a little Buckeye leaf by Justins thread.
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Best Buckeye;1146651; said:
Just kind of curious to know if he is still attending classes at scum to finish his semester and if he is wearing his tOSU clothing while at school? :wink2:
Sadly, no.

"It's exciting to be coming back home to central Ohio," Boren, who just finished the spring semester at Michigan, said in a statement through Tressel. "I am looking forward to the chance to help the Buckeyes continue their excellence in any way I can."
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Dark Side

Bestbuck36;1146653; said:
Reminds me of when Luke Skywalker was fighting the Emperor in Return of the Jedi and Darth Vader fights the darkside in himself to save Luke and kill the Emperor. :nerd:

Welcome back from the darkside Justin!

And by the way your new slogan is..........:scum4:.

Time to put a little Buckeye leaf by Justins thread.

Truer words were never spoke. He was lost now he is found. Welcome home.

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I like the timing with Pat White's comments coming out last night.

Can't blame a kid for wanting to be coached instead of embarrassed.

(Even though he doesn't count as a recruit), in effect, the incoming class of players for 2009 sure just got a whole lot better.

I would rather think of hims as a great start to the class of 2010.
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Oh8ch;1146671; said:
I like the timing with Pat White's comments coming out last night.

Can't blame a kid for wanting to be coached instead of embarrassed.

I would rather think of hims as a great start to the class of 2010.

Doesn't he sit out this coming year (2008 season) and get to play in 2009?

If you are talking about graduating class, wouldn't it actually be a great "finish" to the class of 2010? Which brings up an interesting question, when he graduates from Ohio State will it help scUM's APR?

Was that the final score?

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