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Oklahoma 38, Missouri 17 (final)


As Big as it gets

A win in the Big 12 Championship would put Missouri in the BCS title game.

Jim Vertuno
The Associated Press

San Antonio ? What a wild and wonderful week for Missouri.
The Big 12 North champions are ranked No. 1, their quarterback is getting serious talk about the Heisman Trophy and if the Tigers can beat No. 9 Oklahoma in the league title game tonight, they'll play for the national championship.

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Missouri's success rooted in Texas
Texans play key roles in team's rise to No. 1 ranking
Saturday, December 1, 2007 2:57 AM
By Alan Scher Zagier

Associated Press
Charlie riedel associated press
Missouri linebacker Sean Weatherspoon, left, sacking Kansas State quarterback Josh Freeman earlier this year, is among 18 Texas natives on the Missouri roster.

SAN ANTONIO -- They come from industrial ports on the Gulf of Mexico, border stops on the Rio Grande, east Texas timber towns and high-toned Dallas suburbs.
For Missouri quarterback Chase Daniel and 17 teammates on the top-ranked team who are native Texans, today's Big 12 championship game against No. 9 Oklahoma in the Alamodome will be anything but a neutral-field contest.
More like a homecoming.
"It's going to be unbelievable," said Daniel, whose Southlake Carroll teams compiled a 47-1 record and won two state championships at the suburban Dallas high school. "Going back to Texas is a big deal."

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