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Oklahoma 38, Missouri 17 (final)

The biggest difference between these teams is on 3rd down:

...not on offense
  • Missouri: 54.60% - #2[sup]nd[/sup] nationally
  • Oklahoma: 50.31% - #6[sup]th[/sup] nationally
...but on defense
  • Missouri: 42.27% - #85[sup]th[/sup] nationally
  • Oklahoma: 32.24% - #13[sup]th[/sup] nationally
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DaddyBigBucks;1009626; said:
The biggest difference between these teams is on 3rd down:

...not on offense
  • Missouri: 54.60% - #2[sup]nd[/sup] nationally
  • Oklahoma: 50.31% - #6[sup]th[/sup] nationally
...but on defense
  • Missouri: 42.27% - #85[sup]th[/sup] nationally
  • Oklahoma: 32.24% - #13[sup]th[/sup] nationally


When all else is equal I'll take my chances on the team that plays better D.
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I just hope with all the media gurus picking the Sooners, saying things like "from top to bottom Oklahoma is the better team," and "in the end Oklahoma will be too much," etc... and with most of the nation expecting an Oklahoma win, all this bulletin board material doesn't come back and bite them. I have a bad feeling that Missouri is going to have a big chip on their shoulder because outside of Tiger country, no one is giving them a chance. In what has been a crazy year of upsets, one of these weekends, the favored teams, one would think, may actually win. I, like many, hope the chips fall our way this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath. I will definitely be on the edge of my seat Saturday night though. As much as I hate to admit it, please accept my forgiveness, I was probably rooting for Arkansas to beat L.S.U. last weekend as much as I was rooting for our Bucks to beat Michigan. The same will probably be ringing true this Saturday night. GO SOONERS!!!
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Whether or not they will play "tight" depends on how you define the term.

I, for one, don't think they'll play "tight". But at the same time I doubt their ability to get "up" for this game.

Woody used to say that you can never get up for two games in a row. We saw the effects of this in the Buckeyes up & down performances over the last 5 weeks of the season.

The Tigers were sky-high last week while the Sooners were taking on the Cowboys and their CowMAN coach.

Some people will see a "flat" performance and say that they are playing "tight"; so who knows if we actually disagree here. All I know is that, as a player and as a coach, those two have a very different feel.

We'll see. I've had a very bad year, prognostication-wise; but when I went with what my gut told me about the emotional state of each team, I was right 80% of the time.
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Pinkel Missouri coach went to Kenmore and KSU
Published on Friday, Nov 30, 2007

The kid from Kenmore knows he's not exactly the most popular guy in his home state this week. But that's OK.
Gary Pinkel accepts the reality.
''I've never had a whole state against me, but I guess I can handle that,'' Pinkel said early Wednesday morning from his office in Columbia, Mo.
Pinkel has handled just about everything since he became coach at the University of Missouri in 2000. His work, focus and approach have led the Tigers to the Big 12 Championship Game on Saturday night in San Antonio, where they will face Oklahoma.

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