In my opinion, there are too many "coaches" now on this team. They look to double the number of players from what it looks like during this time out. Most of them seem to be standing around or playing grab ass with each other instead of coaching. Now in a game where we are up 30 there's not much room for concern but Lemmila just took a shot in the kidney or lower back and was hurt for 20 seconds or so while those "coaches" were dicking around on the court during the time out before anyone even went over to check on her.
soapbox moment: Ohio State's brand has become so massive that the business aspect of things is overshadowing the most important commodity in too many instances that are evident in the major sports. I can't speak for the lower revenue sports but for basketball/football I can see this becoming a problem. The actual coaching for players is heading towards the backseat and it annoys the hell out of me. I really hope this doesnt become a McGuff problem by the end of the year. We've already seen some of it happen for the boys on the gridiron. Ok, end of rant.
All that said I believe this girls squad could beat a lot of our opponents with the second team. They get in the game and not only hold the lead but often increase it. It's 80-48 with 2 minutes left.
Most importantly, 9-0!