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Game Thread Ohio State @ Rutgers, 09/30/17 @ 7:30 ET (BTN)

Can someone who is smarter at football than I am please tell me what this team's identity is on Offense? Are we really air raid Now? Washington State ran the ball more last night than we are tonight.
I think the game plan has been to continue to build JT's confidence passing the ball, so Michigan and Penn State can't sell out stopping the run. This is the softer point of the schedule, so I'm all for the passing game getting into a groove.
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Can someone who is smarter at football than I am please tell me what this team's identity is on Offense? Are we really air raid Now? Washington State ran the ball more last night than we are tonight.

It's called Identity doesn't matter at the moment. They are working on weaknesses cause they are playing bad teams. So they go air raid cause we sucked at passing. I expect them to retun to balance either at PSU or next time we have a slight challenge. :biggrin:
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