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Game Thread Ohio State @ Penn State - 09/29/18, 7:30PM (ABC)

Bigger venue than I've been thrown out of. Had picture taken and put on a wall getting kicked out of a Dave and Busters. I'm going to try to go back in a year for 10 year anniversary is it's still there. Doubt it is. I win. Had all the drunks betting on balancing their drink on the legs of an upside down spinning bar stool. Drink that stayed up the longest got a free drink from the other 3 and myself.

Let the haters hate. This is called “Playing to Win”
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That looked to me like a Penn State guy with a dirty hit on Haskins, Haskins fighting back, and 2 more Ohio State guys trying to defend Haskins.

As Jim Tressel said, when the guy in the striped shirt throws a flag, that’s a penalty. I get the OLine trying to defend Haskins, but you gotta be smarter than that. Guys are way too hyped up for this environment. Need to keep their heads.
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If I'm Franklin, I may have gone for an onside kick there. I know that it would give OSU some momentum, but the O has been so anemic, I wouldn't consider it a high risk move.
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