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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Drew Lied


There's a surname that I haven't seen before.

Back in January....Drew Lied Named Big Ten Men's Tennis Athlete of the Week

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Tucker taking coaching tips from Tressel?
It seems that unlike past years when buckeyes dominated in B1G matches, this years team is winning and losing dubs points in ways that are "profiting" the coronary care unit at the OSU medical center.
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MSU livestats.
OSU vs spartans Match begins at noon.


Just wondering, in these matches how do they decide who gets to serve first in any given match (i.e. singles and/or doubles)?

You see someone may be up 1-0; however you don't know if he held serve or broke the other's guy's serve, etc.

Do they actually do this (below), or is there some pre-designated rotation?

After warm-up, the players spin their rackets to decide who serves first and on which end of the court they will start.* This spin is like a heads or tails coin toss. The winner of the toss chooses one of the following options and the other player or team gets the remaining choice or choices.
  1. to make the opponent choose first
  2. to serve first
  3. to receive first
  4. to choose the end of the court.
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I heard they are experimenting with racket spins at different schools,...
Spin one racket for all singles matches and the winner serves first on 1,3,5, and loser serves first on 2,4,6.


Now I have another question, for an away match like Michigan State does the Ohio State team travel to East Lansing the night before or travel up there the morning of the match? If they have to travel (plane or bus) the morning of the match I can see how the home team has a real advantage here.
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