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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

#9 Peter Kobelt breaks #112 Petrone to clinch for the Buckeyes on court 1. He wins 6-3,3-6,6-2 and Ohio State leads 4-0

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No. 2 Ohio State ties NCAA record with 184th consecutive home victory


Ohio State will have a chance to break the record on next Friday.

Ohio State was added to the records book Friday night after defeating No. 44 Michigan 6-1 at the Varsity Tennis Center to claim its 184th consecutive home win, which dates back to the 2003 campaign -- a span of 11 years of home dominance. The Buckeyes (18-2, 3-0 B1G) tie the Stanford women’s tennis program, which had a stretch of 184 consecutive home wins from 1999-2011. The streak marks the longest stretch of home wins in a row by any team in any sport at the NCAA level.

“It’s been a nerve-racking experience going through this and every home match has been counted for the last six or seven matches, so it’s nice that the guys get to go down in history,” head coach Ty Tucker said. “Hopefully we have enough magic in us to win one more home match and be alone at the top of the list. The special thing about this accomplishment is that it links so many guys together. It joins 11 years of Buckeyes and that’s something for them that will carry with them for a lifetime.”

The Big Ten win also extends the Buckeyes’ conference win streak to 85 consecutive matches, which dates back to 2005. Ohio State will look to make history in one week, hosting Northwestern on March 28.

NCAA article: http://www.ncaa.com/news/tennis-men...es-ncaa-record-184th-consecutive-home-victory

Nice recognition (i.e. article) on the NCAA website.

Anybody know what school/team is #2 (behind Ohio State men's tennis) with a current ongoing home win streak?
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