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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Video after the NW historic win

Pic of the expression of Captain Kobelt after clinching the victory for the record of most consecutive home wins in NCAA
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Final 5-2 for the S & G.
Pollanen gets another point at #2 with a W over the ita no. 8 ranked hitzlik of Illini.
Will give major points in herkkos rankings next week and some confidence for the tourney.
Good performance by the bucks and a clutch performance by Callahan, Steinbach, Metka, even when the senior has a bad day.
Now in the drivers seat for another B1g regular season title.
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Final 5-2 for the S & G.
Pollanen gets another point at #2 with a W over the ita no. 8 ranked hitzlik of Illini.
Will give major points in herkkos rankings next week and some confidence for the tourney.
Good performance by the bucks and a clutch performance by Callahan, Steinbach, Metka, even when the senior has a bad day.
Now in the drivers seat for another B1g regular season title.

Glad to see Pollanen get a victory over a highly ranked player. When I saw him at MSU he looked a bit frustrated by the reach (due to height) of the MSU #2 player. As an aside, Kobelt had a conversation with MSU #2's parents from whom I was sitting maybe 5 feet. He was all class and I am glad he is a Buckeye.
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Kobe is a great ambassador for OSU!
I also predict this win over a top ten ranked player will help jump start Pollanens development!
Hitzlik had been struggling with some injury and conditioning issues, however, still a strong performance by Herkko.
He is full of talent and just learning how to transition from the euro clay circuit to the NCAA style and indoor game.
One day we may look back on this week and recall that this was when the lights turned on.
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