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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Buckeye #2 dubs dropped the breaker so the good guys will need to win 4 in the singles competition which starts shortly.

Yikes. I think this makes losing the doubles point in three of the last four, or perhaps even 4 out of 5.

Given the emphasis Ty puts on the doubles point this is a bit of a surprise. Perhaps this year's team just isn't that great at doubles and it is what it is. Dropping the point to Virginia and USC is one thing, but Penn State?
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Yikes. I think this makes losing the doubles point in three of the last four, or perhaps even 4 out of 5.

Given the emphasis Ty puts on the doubles point this is a bit of a surprise. Perhaps this year's team just isn't that great at doubles and it is what it is. Dropping the point to Virginia and USC is one thing, but Penn State?
Especially when you have the #3 ranked doubles team (Kobelt & Metka) dropping their match.
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Doubles is so hard to predict,
Strong performance by Peter, seems like he was a bit irritated with the tough loss in dubs.
Pollanen now up 2 breaks in the 2nd.
Metka up a break at 3-2 in the 2nd.
Callahan on serve afer winning the first.
Steinbach has his hands full at #4.
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Metka!!! point number 3 on the Buckeye board, 6-3, 6-4 at the 5 line.
Diaz is battling to break to get even at #3 in the 2nd set.
Callahan is on serve up 5-4.
Steinbach at 4 is going to a 3rd set after winning the 2nd.
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