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Ohio State Men's Ice Hockey (2019 B1G Champions)

This team stinks on ice. We're not Minnesota or North Dakota. We can't reload with a bunch of 1st round draft picks, so I'll certainly grant Rohlik a rebuilding year ever 4th year or so. That being said, he'd better bounce back strong next year. And get them a proper arena, President Carter.
I don’t think they’re leaving the Schott, mausoleum that it is
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It's highly likely that this team doesn't win another game all year. Rohlik's been good at bouncing back from previous rebuilding years, so let's see what he can do. I still don't think this program can consistently compete at the higher levels that it's achieved under Rohlik until we can recruit into a new arena. This type of year is going to be inevitable every third or fourth year. I just didn't think it would be this bad.
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Slim chance of climbing out of last place. We're five points behind the pedsters, and we play them the last weekend. In the meantime, we have another game with Sparty while they play Wiscy. Either we'll need to win tonight or they'll need to lose to keep the hope alive.
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Not the Buckeyes but pretty awesome.

Scum cheaters were up 4-1 going into the 3rd period and Minny came all the way back to tie it 5-5 after 3. Stupid cross-checking penalty by the Gophers though is putting them a precarious man down. Outscored them 5-2 in the 3rd period. LOL

Edit: dirty bastards got the PP goal in OT to win 6-5
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Up 2-0 with 7 minutes left in the second and about to go on the power play.

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