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Game Thread Ohio State @ Maryland - 11/17/18, 12:00PM (ABC)

All they keep doing is motioning the safety over and running to the boundary side. Why the fuck can't the idiots in the box see this and stop the damn vacating and leaving us one guy to beat for the homerun?!?!?
That would be good coaching to change a scheme before half time. Good coaching isn’t going to happen today so we are going to give up at least another TD to the boundary side before halftime. That play has been there every single time they have run it.
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All they keep doing is motioning the safety over and running to the boundary side. Why the fuck can't the idiots in the box see this and stop the damn vacating and leaving us one guy to beat for the homerun?!?!?

It’s kind of interesting and goes back to a point I’ve made in the past.

Our defense is way too predictable (we play man over 90% of the time). The only thing we really mix up is whether it’s press man or off coverage.

But MD is exploiting our predictability in the run game. They’re getting one on one blocks exactly where they expect us to be.

I’d love to see them get more exotic in the future.
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