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Game Thread Ohio State @ Maryland - 11/17/18, 12:00PM (ABC)

It’s kind of interesting and goes back to a point I’ve made in the past.

Our defense is way too predictable (we play man over 90% of the time). The only thing we really mix up is whether it’s press man or off coverage.

But MD is exploiting our predictability in the run game. They’re getting one on one blocks exactly where they expect us to be.

I’d love to see them get more exotic in the future.
MSU did it last week for their huge run. Even a slow ass QB can gash this defense.
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Sad thing is that a lot of the talent we've amassed has been on that side of the ball so no excuses.
I said a few weeks back that this was the worst D we've had while also being (on paper) one of the most talented. It's obvious where the problem is, and if multiple heads don't roll after the season, next year will be worse.

Earlier somebody said they didn't want to watch us become Mack Brown's Texas. This is how it starts. It's up to Urban to stop it, becaue we are on that course.
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4th and 3...no problem.

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