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Ohio State Fans & Boos


BOO BIRDS:@ Ohio State's players, in particular the seniors, are really upset about QB Todd Boeckman being booed after throwing an incompletion in one of his only two snaps in the victory over Troy.
"A lot of the seniors were really upset when he got booed," Boone said Tuesday. "I think that shows a lot of disrespect from the fans. A lot of guys were like, 'This guy took us to a national championship game last year. How can you boo him?'"
He said Boeckman was bearing up under the disappointment of seeing so little action. He also said the blame for the lopsided defeat at USC couldn't be put solely on the Boeckman.
"He didn't play so great against USC, but who did? None of us did. We all got smashed," Boone said. "People started booing him and everybody kind of got mad about that. ... People should give him another chance. You know, stand behind your team."
Tressel declined to be so vocal about the boos. Rather than rip those fans who were booing Boeckman, he shrugged and said, "It's part of the deal."
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Ohio State football: Boone calls out fans for Boeckman boos

by Doug Lesmerises Tuesday September 23, 2008, 7:25 PM

D.L.Alex Boone speaking to reporters today.
Ohio State senior left tackle Alex Boone is angry with the Buckeye fans who booed senior quarterback Todd Boeckman after his one incompletion on Saturday. Boone said Boeckman was among several players who didn't want Boone to say anything about it during his interview with reporters today, but Boone couldn't help himself. "I think one of the most disappointing things, and a lot of guys didn't want me to say this, but I think I'm going to have to, is the fact he went out there and he did what he could - a lot of the seniors were very upset when he got booed," Boone said.
"I think that shows a lot of disrespect from the fans. I think a lot of guys - this kid took us to a championship last year. How could you boo him?
"He didn't play so great against USC, but who did? None of us did. We all got smashed, and people started booing him and everybody kind of got mad about that."
Boone continued when asked if he was surprised by the boos.
"He made the read and he threw the ball and it was a little short and all of a sudden people are starting to scream. And the O line was like maybe we thought somebody hit him or something happened, and then I'm watching the film and people are like, 'Man, can you believe they booed him?' That's not right and I don't think that's fair.
"People should give him another chance. And stand behind your team, you know."
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I'm kinda glad that Boone said something, because it obviously has an effect on the players. He stated how it wasn't just Boeckman, but other guys on the team that were effected, which shows how much of a role the fans have on the team. JL came back for his senior season because of the fans. Is everyone going to boo him if he sits out and misses his one shot at a tackle? Fuck that. This team needs support. I can slightly sympathize that maybe if a guy is getting paid ridiculous cash and playing like shit, and the fans pay his salary, they may have some reservation to boo. But not a college team. Never. That's fucked.
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I would bet that much of the booing was simply a product of mob mentality.

Anyway, Props to buckyle for the awesome analogy.
With all this talk about booing, can i still boo the Wolvereenies and DickRod?
Oh please, oh please, oh pretty please?
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swimwin39;1269869; said:
Anyway, Props to buckyle for the awesome analogy.
With all this talk about booing, can i still boo the Wolvereenies and DickRod?
Oh please, oh please, oh pretty please?

Look at paragraph 4 clause 16 on the Buckeye fan contract subsection 2. It states that on every occasion you will be expected to boo at any and all SkunkBears whenever physically possible.

Page 1, Section 1, Paragraph 1 says that you shall never boo any present or former Buckeye player unless they work for ESPN.

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I was at a Michigan game a few years ago and had good seats. Mostly professors, former professors and big-wigs. I let out a long Boo when Mich took the filed and was quickly admonished by those around me.

Booing at a bad call and/or cheering a good play was encouraged.

Was it a huge stadium wide BOO!, or just a few pockets of idiots?

Either way, I wish Boone didn't comment. JT obviously didn't want the team to mention it and our LT is getting a little too comfortable with the media.

I don't think we'll be hearing much more of this at the shoe this season.
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BUCKYLE;1269857; said:
Booing Ohio State and trying to say you're still a fan, is like beating your wife because you love her. Either way, you're the fuck head with the problem.


Booing the team you supposedly love is just another way of saying "Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" :sob:
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