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Ohio State Fans & Boos

bluechillj;1268347; said:
I also heard the same as jwinslow.....and, there were also numerous "Boeckman sucks" comments from people near me along with the boos. It was quite clear what the booing was about to me.
even if they aren't all against Todd, the line is way too blurred, like it always is with booing. You can't boo Tressel for running MoWells on 3rd and short, without also shaming Mo & the OL for not executing. You can't even boo Todd and/or Tressel after his incompletion without getting under the skin of all of his teammates and friends who are disgusted and embarrassed for his sake.

Sure, they learn to deal with that unfortunate side of OSU fans, but they aren't robots. They still hear and register the hate.

The recruits, however, are not used to it and and were pretty turned off.
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I was very depressed at the 'Shoe and how everyone handled themselves. Its all been said before but I also get to rant so here I go...

I can not believe ANYONE would boo at the young man for throwing one incomplete pass - Todd is more man than anyone of the schmucks who had the gall to boo him.
I was ashamed and almost teared up myself for him.
Put yourselves in his freaking shoes folks... he went out and beat Michigan in horrible weather and people say "he sucked" - he still won. He played in a National Title game (which none of US will ever do) that we were not even supposed to be in, face it folks we back doored in to that game. He gets shafted by USC and the weak play calling (he didnt want to get sacked everytime he turned around - lets see you go and try to complete a pass laying on your back) and gets benched because his skills doesn't coincide with our lack of pass protection... then people go and freaking boo him on his first play - sorry kids but truth is I am a Soldier in the Military and if that was me or my child in his position I would have started balling like a 6 year after hearing Santa Clause is broke and won't be visiting this year...

My point is Todd is the freaking man to still even attempt to walk on that field. I am sure he was with his family and friends trying to chin up on Saturday night all becuase some over zealous fans are pissed because we ONLY have the chance of being 12-1 Rose Bowl Champs that have won the Big Ten 3 straight years outright and defeated Michigan five straight years...

Oh, my bad, that is a pretty horrible season....

Get a life, love your family....
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jwinslow;1268355; said:
even if they aren't all against Todd, the line is way too blurred, like it always is with booing. You can't boo Tressel for running MoWells on 3rd and short, without also shaming Mo & the OL for not executing. You can't even boo Todd and/or Tressel after his incompletion without getting under the skin of all of his teammates and friends who are disgusted and embarrassed for his sake.

Sure, they learn to deal with that unfortunate side of OSU fans, but they aren't robots. They still hear and register the hate.

The recruits, however, are not used to it and and were pretty turned off.

Great points. And the thing I don't get too, is that if one really wants a particular player to play better, is booing like that ever going to help? It's rather short-sighted as a fan, in addition to all the other classlessness of it.
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You guys have got to know there were a lot of part time fans there. People who don't normally go to games, were at this one. I'll point the finger at them if there was a lot of booing in your sections. All I heard were grumblings about the decision. The poorly thrown pass was an expected result when he sat for nearly 2 quarters.

My point of all this is that we real fans boo at a variety of things. Such as bad calls and illegal formations (like the Troy player running off the field, on the field, off the field, and on the field). What upsets me is that I heard 1460 and I know Cowherd must have been talking today about how bad we fans are. Like I said, they are making big assumptions and continue to make the players think that every boo is for them. That's the exception, not the rule in The Shoe.

jwinslow;1268340; said:
The simple fact remains, you can't boo the coaches without shaming and booing the players too, whatever your intentions are. It's one thing to realize how badly those boos humiliate Todd Boeckman, who has been as classy and hard-working as you can ever ask of a player (even paying his way his first year).

But when you stop and notice what a bad reaction it elicits from the players on the field and the recruits in the stands, then it takes on a whole new level of bad.

Find other ways to channel your frustration. Just because angry outbursts come naturally doesn't excuse them.
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jwinslow;1268327; said:
...Recruits were really turned off by the booing yesterday.

jwinslow;1268355; said:
...The recruits, however, are not used to it and and were pretty turned off.

Some things are worth re-repeating...

To those of you who opine that you have the right to boo, I agree with you 100%.

And I remind you that when Jwins makes the above comments, he's not guessing.
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blog: Some Bucks? fans were truly classless

By Tom Archdeacon | Monday, September 22, 2008, 10:21 AM
To all the ?so-called? Ohio State fans who booed Todd Boeckman Saturday, you showed yourself to be classless bunch.
Your actions stained a day which should have been nothing but a celebration of a promising new talent?s debut at the helm of the Bucks.
Cheer new quarterback Terrelle Pryor, the highly-acclaimed freshman. He deserved it for leading the Bucks past an over-matched Troy team.
But to shower Boeckman with scorn?
That?s a new low even among the twisted few who think it?s cool to spit on Michigan fans and torch trash piles and old furniture and parked cars after big victories.
On a day when he already had to be crushed ? he?d lost his job and his dream ?Boeckman enters the game for just two plays, throws an incompletion and gets treated worse than O.J.
?Hey, we?re just kids,? Ohio State defensive lineman Lawrence Wilson said afterward. ?We?re not professionals. There is no way adults should treat us that way.?
I don?t agree with the ?kids? part ? guys this age are fighting in Iraq, working in factories, married and beginning to start a family of their own ? but he?s right in that this was no way to treat somebody like Boeckman.
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Bill Greene posted this on the Scout $ board and gave us permission to post here...from a player's Mom:
Subject:Thank You!Sent:Today 6:42 PM EDT

On behalf of all of us moms - thank you! :) You know it's an honor and a privilege to be a part of this team both for our boys and for the families. I think we all understand that they are part of a business and yes they have scholarships and tutors. But I think very few people truly understand that there is not a day that they are not working to get better both individually and as a team. Not one day. They give of themselves both mentally and physically 7 days a week almost year round. Heck, even during the two weeks they take off in a years time, you'll probably find them working out. Their bodies are pushed to the limit and what some of them endure to push through the pain and play is more than most will probably ever experience. But the bottom line is they have a passion for this game of football and they LOVE The Ohio State University. It is their family. Yes, they are young men, yes - they need to be tough and not take personally what fans have to say, but sometimes, when you bleed scarlet and gray the way these young men do - it's hard to not be hurt by fans. The good news is they will eventually be stronger and better prepared for sucess in life because of all of these experiences - thanks! You can post this if you want - just don't use my name :)
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Booing is not-productive..it doesn't help the player or the coaches. Some fans are spoiled or don't pay attention..their cheering a punt return like crazy and you see 3 flags on the field and they don't get it..Our fans want the team to be perfect every game but they only are disruptive against Mich Psu or maybe Texas. I saw a comment on here that the fans don't make noise for the OU or YSU game because we should beat them but the team has to be perfect.. Yikes! :(
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I'm going to address something that was brought up on the previous page a little.. it was probably the most disappointing thing that I've heard/seen at any sporting event that I've attended, and I've attended quite a few.

I did hear boos when Boeckman took the field. I was disappointed, but unfortunately, not surprised. I've heard people talk about Todd at work, and they act like the guy is a Wolverine. It's unbearable. Then after his pass, there were loud cheers (a mix of happiness that Pryor was returning and happiness that Boeckman wasn't - I know this based on the heckling that I heard as he was leaving).

Pathetic, and I'm glad that none of the people booing were beside me, because I would've been escorted out of the stadium during the first drive.

I sat in the South Stands, right by the tunnel. I'm surprised that others sitting in the South Stands didn't hear boos as Todd was coming in, because they weren't quiet where I was sitting. Hopefully Todd can keep his head up and realize that those who were booing don't matter.
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Ron Lewis;1268345; said:
Screw you.

Bucky Katt;1268351; said:
You've made 3 posts, all angry and all directed at me. Don't make me file a vstraining order against you. :paranoid:

Damn, Bucky did it.


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