Yeah, yeah... Jim Tressel was "gearing down" with the "2RIPP" offense... christ almighty.
Jim Tressel last speech as Head Coach during game - YouTube
"...Perfect special teams. Defense keep playing your a** off... offense no mistakes... you want to punch 'em and daze 'em ...if you want to daze them, right now, this is our chance... you want to give some hope? Go three and out. That's real. You got to go after their a** with it.
You got 30 minutes take these guys out the right way... 30 minutes, fight hard, prepare hard, and it comes down now the way it should, in a BCS game... the way it should... two good a** teams, two good a** teams go for 30 minutes... does everyone understand? {Team: Yes sir}. Sideline do you understand? {Yes Sir}"