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Ohio State 49 Illinois 67 (Final)

19 turnovers
6 assists

Won't beat anyone that way.

Tonight, we looked like a young team in search of a floor leader to distribute the ball. Thankfully, it hasn't happened often but our weaknesses showed up big tonight.

Can't really put it on one player. The team just didn't have it in this one.
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my high school soccer coach had a great term for plays like that. BONEHEAD he would stop practice and make us yell as loud as we could "I'm a bonehead" if we did something like that.
My coach (a tough Israeli with both soccer and military experience) was all about the push ups, until your arms fell off, whenever we did something stupid- even in the middle of the game.

Would have been a lot of our players hitting the floor tonight.

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keeganbrick;1386818; said:
Well, Sunday's game is looking like a must win. Hopefully playing at home for a change will fire this team up. I feel sick after watching this game....

I think it's a bit early to be playing the "must win" card.

We have 4 of our next 5 at home, and the roady is at Indiana. How we come out of that stretch will tell us a lot about our team's chances to make some noise this season.
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Best Buckeye;1386819; said:
Face it , Bruce and the Illini just outdid us tonight. They are a better team right now. We can get em next time Bucks.:oh:

Better team tonight, absoltely. But the Illini didn't force all 20 turnovers. I saw at least 5 that weren't even forced. The equivalent to an overhand smash right into the net.

While I'll give credit to Illinois for showing up and taking care of business, if this were my team they'd be puking in buckets tomorrow. I'd probably put 3 on each baseline, maybe 4 if I'm feeling generous.

You can't take nights off, and somehow the message has to get through.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1386832; said:
Need: PG

Need to get rid of: Zone defense

I've heard a lot of complaining about the zone the last couple years even though we're in the top 20 in points allowed per game, so I'm skeptical on that one.

The concern about the PG position, on the other hand, is definitely an issue IMO.

We scored 49 points and committed 20 turnovers. No defense is going to win with that kind of offensive performance.
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Jake;1386843; said:
I've heard a lot of complaining about the zone the last couple years even though we're in the top 20 in points allowed per game, so I'm skeptical on that one.

The concern about the PG position, on the other hand, is definitely an issue IMO.

We scored 49 points and committed 20 turnovers. No defense is going to win with that kind of offensive performance.

i have no opinion one way or the other on the zone. with that said, how much of our top 20 ranking in pts allowed is due to our slow deliberate style on offense. you have to look at our ranking on other teams' possesions per game to get a feel for that.
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RocketWatcher;1386779; said:
I'm an Illinois fan. Not Indiana.

Meh. I suck at abrvztnxg things. If it makes you feel better, I'll refer to OSU as UOS in this post. :biggrin:

I still don't understand showing up at halftime of a rather unimportant basketball game but not after a rather meaningful football game. Nice win tonight, nonetheless. :tongue2:

Ugh. Sloppy, lazy play all-around tonight. I'm going to vent now so I can watch my hockey game with a clean slate and build up a whole new and different level of frustration.

If I may borrow LitL's torch for a bit....if YOU know you're going to play zone all night and THEY know you're going to play zone all night, it becomes so much easier to gameplan. When UI puts Tisdale in, all they have to do is figure which side Mullens/Lauderdale is going to be on, pass the ball into that corner to draw out the big man, and let Tisdale post up a guy 6 inches shorter than him 3 feet from the hoop. Cake and pie.

(How can other team's big men get such fantastic position while UOS's are getting the ball 10-12 feet from the basket?)

Also, the mid-range game killed OSU, too. That soft spot in the middle of the zone...yikes....Davis and the Texas kid just ate it up in the first half. Just too easy.

Mullens's's's hands have got to get stronger. Too many passes zipping through them and too many balls stripped from them. Start catching some of these passes and you can dunk even more. Also...the "shhhh" thing down by 8 in the first half? Not sure I get it. And 2-9 from the line. :sick1:

Lauderdale, for whatever reason, cannot consistently set a legal screen. I don't know who or what the problem is, whether it's him trying to do too much or the cutter not cutting close enough to him. Regardless, at this point, we can count on at LEAST one illegal screen a game against him.

Turner's ball-handling continues to make me pull my hair out. It might work against lesser teams, but a tough man-to-man defense like UI played just made him look silly. And...how in the world can you get called for palming on your first dribble? I don't think it's even possible. Sure, he traveled the fuck out of the ball that play, but palming....no way. :lol:

Simmons didn't play great, but I didn't think he had a terrible game. Missed some open shots, but wasn't forcing looks. They were wide open. Just have to knock them down.

Buford is money from inside 3. A couple of forced jumpers early in the shot clock, though. Keep the ball moving and you'll get a better shot later.

Hill was thoroughly over-matched out there. His ball-handling couldn't stand up to that kind of defense. The offense wasn't great with Simmons out there, but it was better than with PJ. Nice job drawing the charge, though.

Overall, the team as a whole got out-everything'ed tonight. Hustle, energy, intensity, shooting, defense...not sure OSU won a single facet of the game. The defensive rebounding wasn't terrible, but some of the ones they allowed were terribly untimely.

Oh, well. Head home and regroup for the game against MSU.
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