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Ohio State 49 Illinois 67 (Final)

Down 12 to Illinois with their defense is going to be tough to overcome. Then again, Illinois is shooting like 53% and cant miss anything they throw up. If we can cut down the turnovers and hope they start missing a few shot we might have a chance.
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I'm with everyone. Cut down on the turnovers, knock down some open looks, and hope Illinois gets cold.

Need to win some of these loose ball battles, too. Seems like almost every loose ball ends up with Illinois so far.

Keep scrapping and chipping away, fellas! :oh:
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EDDIE GGGG27;1386761; said:
It's about time for Diebler to wake up. Where has he been the last 1 1/2 games?

I believe the quick shooting hurts diebs. They need to pass the ball around more and let him come off screens to hit his shots.

They seem to be playing to out of control, and shooting the ball before they turn it over.
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12 turnovers to 6 assists = loss, unless we change that ratio

Still 17 minutes, and only down 10 although it seems worse.
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Risk of the matchup, Dallas goes out on a shooter and Tisdale posts up Buford. No way Tisdale could post up Dallas that way, but Buford is just overmatched sizewise when he gets stuck on a big man underneath.

Down 13...
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