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Ohio State 49 Illinois 67 (Final)

MaxBuck;1388587; said:
Why wouldn't Diebler be the one that Lighty replaces? It would make a lot more sense to me.

I don't know...Diebs has always been a starter. And Buford seems more likely to come in as a 6th man and provide instant offense. Diebs seems to do better when he has time to get into the flow of the game.
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LitlBuck;1388351; said:
I guess the only way I see the offense improving with the return of Lighty it is that Buford, Diebler, and Turner will not have to play as many minutes and David might be able to create easier shots for some of the guys. I think that he might help improve our defense more than our offense. He was not bringing that much to the table offensively before his injury IMO
Got to disagree with this. Lighty is not the only one that can make them better. The team is improving with each game as they get more experience.
I can see it in them even as they had a terrible game against the Illini.
They will continue to improve. Just Sayin.
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mooktarr;1388942; said:
Got to disagree with this. Lighty is not the only one that can make them better. The team is improving with each game as they get more experience.
I can see it in them even as they had a terrible game against the Illini.
They will continue to improve. Just Sayin.
I don't understand what you are a disagreeing with because I stated that I do not think that the return of Lighty is not going to help us improve offensively very much if at all. He is more of a asset when it comes to rebounding and defense but you have to weigh that against what Buford and Diebler bring to the table offensively.

I agree with you that the team will continue to improve until David's return and I'm not sure when that will come. This team really needs to start playing more consistently and not having one good game and then having a very poor game and they need to be more consistent for the full 40 minutes in a game.
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