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Ohio State 49 Illinois 67 (Final)

If the open 3s are there we need to take them. Need to get this zone extended, shots just arent falling for us and they are making everything. Should come back down to earth here shortly. I thought they were runnin some zone earlier?
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i'm not sure how to describe this. we're making a lot of bad mistakes. fouling a 3 shooter, throwing the ball away, watching the ball on the rim rather than boxing out... i guess its just a lack of effort. thad is usually pretty good at straightening that out during half time. right now this kind of reminds me of the WVU game. the good news is that we keep it within 8 or so at half and we are fine.
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If we could get this down to 8 or less by half I'd be thrilled. Gotta figure we'll take better care of the ball after the break, and have a shot if the hill isn't too steep.
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