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Ohio State 49 Illinois 67 (Final)

Separated at birth?



Sorry. But the game requires me to seek some relief. Buckeyes don't look good tonight.

But then, Tisdale doesn't look good on any night.
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Not looking good, boys. Playing at Illinois has never been easy and we caught them in a bad mood tonight.

Big 5 game stretch coming up, and a chance to rebound with 4 home games, but this one is just about in the books. :(
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I'm not sure what words I would use to describe the game. I've been channel surfing since late 1st half.

I couldn't handle the turnovers. You wouldn't expect any player who is accomplished enough to garner a Big 10 scholarship, to make some of the turovers these guys are making. Just throwing the ball to the other team.

I don't know if that is lack of focus, effort, etc.

But it is bad.
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