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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

Buckeneye;1243190; said:
TD Posey!! that boy is quick!

so I just got back from work in time to see Devier catch that ball,

what did i miss?

Not much...oh, Beanie may be out for the season.

Cross your fingers, pray, light a candle, whatever works.
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Telekinesis;1243205; said:
Who almost choked when they heard "We got some bad news..." and then they went on to talk about YSU? Trying to scare us or what?

I did the same thing. The story about that poor young man and his family sure did put things in perspective, but I won't be able to shake this terrible feeling.
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rocketman;1243200; said:
I can't believe this. Everyone here is speechless.


Although it would suck to lose Beanie, I think our other guys can fill in okay. We've got power in Boom, speed in Saine, versatility in Wells and maybe even Flash. And of course a guy named Pryor.

This sucks, but I'm trying to think positively.

:oh: guys
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buckeyes_rock;1243210; said:

Although it would suck to lose Beanie, I think our other guys can fill in okay. We've got power in Boom, speed in Saine, versatility in Wells and maybe even Flash. And of course a guy named Pryor.

This sucks, but I'm trying to think positively.

:oh: guys

We're Buckeyes. That's the spirit...

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buckeyes_rock;1243210; said:

Although it would suck to lose Beanie, I think our other guys can fill in okay. We've got power in Boom, speed in Saine, versatility in Wells and maybe even Flash. And of course a guy named Pryor.

This sucks, but I'm trying to think positively.

:oh: guys

:io: But still wells is the man and we need him.
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Wow, sorry to see that guys. I flipped on the BTN and saw Beanie go down. I feel terrible for the guy, he is a very talented RB with a great combo of power and speed.

Why was he still in the game? Padding the stats for Heisman or something?

Pryor looks great on his feet. That's scary.
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Telekinesis;1243205; said:
Who almost choked when they heard "We got some bad news..." and then they went on to talk about YSU? Trying to scare us or what?

I've already accepted Beanie is out for the year because of the way he went down without contact. That rarely turns out good. It usually means something snapped.

I'm just hoping for some good news that he'll be back at some point. :ohwell:
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