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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

Wow, sorry to see that guys. I flipped on the BTN and saw Beanie go down. I feel terrible for the guy, he is a very talented RB with a great combo of power and speed.

Why was he still in the game? Padding the stats for Heisman or something?

Pryor looks great on his feet. That's scary.
It was 26-0...first drive of the 2nd half. The ball was at the 4 yard line. It was going to be his last carry. Just freak thing.
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Pryor in the Pistol is very intriguing.

Maurice with a nice run. Glad to see it because we could be using a RBBC for awhile.

WOW! Pryor is just sick! TD!!!!
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I am having difficulty typing as well. My fingers have gone stone cold.

I haven't seen the game but I am angered that their defense was playing dirty on the ground with Wells and then this happens. It would be easy to be indignant. How much money did JT put into that place? What kind of chance is it for their program to play at Ohio Stadium?

But, this may not be due to that stuff at all. After all, opposing playerrs are going to be doing whatever they can to Beanie all year. I just hope this isn't as bad as my upset stomach tells me it could be.

Let's remember something else. If it is, we can win a NC with this defense and we have lots of talent on offense. We don't have another Beanie, it wouldn't be as good, but we have options.

Let's just hope that this isn't as bad as it sounds.
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