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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

Definitely looks like he grabs the lower part of his foot after it happened.

Doesn't look like an ankle.

Broken toe is my guess (hope). If it's just a broken toe...I don't...just hope for the best. That is just awful for the kid.
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OHSportsFan9;1243156; said:
I feel sick.

Might just be a broken toe. I hope. We need him against USC.

If he's back in 2 weeks I'll be stunned. He went down like someone shot him. Usually that ends up being a tear of some kind. :(
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On the replay it looks like whatever happened, happened on his lead step.

He took the step and lifted his foot and didn't put it back down. That's probably why he slipped backwards and fell.
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