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Game Thread Ohio State 38, Toledo 0 (Sep 19, Browns Stadium)

Pryor2Posey;1542357; said:
anyone know how espn gameplan works? On ESPN's website it says I can order it for 1 week for $24, but when I go to Directv's site it only has options to order it for the whole season. I live in Illinois so if I want to watch the game I'm gonna need gameplan, and for $24 it's a no brainer that I'm gonna do it (if it is available for that price).

DIRECTV ESPN GamePlan Pay Per Day

Directv said:
How to order ESPN GamePlan for a single day's worth of games?
ESPN GamePlan is available on a pay per day basis for $21.95. You can order a full day of ESPN GamePlan action on Saturdays using your remote or by calling (800) 531-5000 (a $5.00 phone assistance fee will apply).
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Whats the deal in Columbus....what channel?? If I need to watch it somewhere I'd like to have an idea of where to go to watch the game. I see on OSU's athletic site it says ESPN Plus (WSYX/ABC6). What is this?

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buckeyemania11;1541651; said:
if you got the all out sports package on Dish or Directv the game will be on the "Altitude" channel
EDDIE GGGG27;1542705; said:
It's on Direct T.V. ch 681 if you have the sports package.
Pretty sure it'll be blacked out unless you have ESPN Gameplan or you live in an area that would normally get Altitude, just like baseball games on all regional FSN channels are blacked out unless your have Extra Innings or you that is your local FSN channel. I could be wrong, but if I remember right from last year ESPN Plus games were blacked out on the regional stations unless you live in that area.
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Scout.com: 2009 Big Ten Fearless Predictions - Week 3

Ohio State has to take advantage, but there can’t be any looking ahead to the Big Ten opener against Illinois or a disappointing season could turn disastrous.
Disappointing season already? After two games? Still a favorite to win the Conference, and a possible BCS bowl contender doesn't seem disappointing to me.

How has Ohio State done over the years following a soul-crushing regular season loss? There haven’t been many, but the team was sleepwalking through a lifeless game against Troy last year and got pushed.
Really? :shake: Final score 28-10. TP's first start throwing 4 TD passes and 1 INT, the Hail Mary at the end of the half. Troy was held to under 100 yards rushing, and didn't score in the second half, their only TD coming on an 80 yard screen with a combo of bad tackling and angles, though I'll credit the receiver for crossing the goal line.
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No shit, that same Troy team was an epic meltdown away from beating LSU a week earlier. D-bags, the lot of 'em.

Over the past couple of years, I've given up cable news and just watch the Daily Show, and have given up sports sites and just read BP. I think I'm all set now. :wink:
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I think I'm all set now.
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The Troy game may not have been the best example but the 2005 game after the Texas loss (SDSU iirc) was an absolute snooze fest. The MSU game after the PSU loss that year was shaping up quite badly until Sparty decided to be Sparty and the FG was blocked.

I have no doubt OSU will win but I think its going to be a sloppy one. The first half especially. Just no way they can come back from that emotional high and get up for Toledo. On top of that Toledo has a legit offense. If they keep their QB upright he'll find open receivers. That said Toledo's defense is pure shit so our offense should look better. If they can't do some business this week its pretty much hopeless.
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