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Game Thread Ohio State 38, Toledo 0 (Sep 19, Browns Stadium)

Yeah well I've watched PSU in their first two games... They got big time issue's when it comes to the run game. Not only that but their recievers IMO aren't anything spectacular at all. You add that with a new Secondary as well as playing NO ONE up to our game and I think we got obviously a REAL healthy shot to beat them.

Michigan will definately give us a run IMO early in the game, but our defense again will be something Forcier will struggle to adjust to.

The defensive line depth is still something I'm truely excited about.
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Buckeye Chris;1541733; said:
I lol'd

I live in a place called Ironton which is the most southern part of Ohio...unfortunately. I got to see all the OSU games last year so Im crossing my fingers here. I live two and a half hours from cincy.

Familiar with Ironton. I had a client in Portsmouth back when I was working in C-bus in the early 90s. Made the trip down 23 several times.

Live near Youngstown these days. Believe it or not, I don't get the Big Ten network here. Go figure.
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bukIpower;1541890; said:
Yeah well I've watched PSU in their first two games... They got big time issue's when it comes to the run game. Not only that but their recievers IMO aren't anything spectacular at all. You add that with a new Secondary as well as playing NO ONE up to our game and I think we got obviously a REAL healthy shot to beat them.

Michigan will definately give us a run IMO early in the game, but our defense again will be something Forcier will struggle to adjust to.

The defensive line depth is still something I'm truely excited about.

Evan Royster is NOT as impressive a back as everyone is trying to make him out to be. They will also struggle when they play good defenses and try passing the ball. They had three holes to fill, have they filled them yet? Time will tell. I see Ohio State struggling simply because they play at Happy Valley. Other than that, I think Ohio State will be fine this year.

Back to the game. I'm feeling like the first offensive play, the try a post route to either Posey or Carter just to try and shake off last weeks loss early.

I think Ohio State will wear down Toledo's defense early and should control the pace.

My prediction:
Ohio State 38
Toledo 6
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Royster is a good running back. They had more than 3 holes to fill too. They lost their entire Offensive line (which is why they're struggling upfront), and then the 3 top recievers from last year as well.

You add a offensive line that struggles to open up lanes with a defensive front like ours and I think we could really make things tough for PSU.

Here's hoping that the bucks keep up that effort from the USC game. Because here I am all high on the defensive line/defense and I don't want to see them take a step back. I think we will see a high level of play the rest of the year.
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Buckeye Chris;1541544; said:
After I voted on big 10 Network for this....these are the results I have...

Two games into the season who do you think now wins the Big Ten football title?

Penn State - 36.9%
Ohio State - 11.7%
Michigan - 19.3%
Wisconsin - 2.8%
Iowa - 21.7%
Other - 7.5%

Because scUM beats ND theyre better than us all of a sudden?

Eh, the percentages have gone down dramatically for Iowa and Michigan... Now it's something like 36% Penn State and 26% Ohio State... No big surprise though, seems like Penn State is always the popular pick.
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Buckeye89Fan;1541921; said:
Eh, the percentages have gone down dramatically for Iowa and Michigan... Now it's something like 36% Penn State and 26% Ohio State... No big surprise though, seems like Penn State is always the popular pick.

Two games into the season who do you think now wins the Big Ten football title?

Penn State - 36.5%
Ohio State - 12.0%
Michigan - 19.7%
Wisconsin - 2.8%
Iowa - 21.7%
Other - 7.3%

Doesnt look like much of a difference to me...Everyone just riding the Michigan bandwagon.
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All due respect to Toledo, they did demolish Colorado. They also got polished by Purdue.

If we are not deflated, and come out with the intensity we did this week (hopefully with a little chip on our shoulders--is that too much to ask for?), then Toledo is in for a very, very long day.

Go Bucks!

Every game is another opportunity to prove yourselves. No time for wallowing, time to get back to work. Let's go get it done!

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Jake;1541665; said:
Don't be surprised if it's more like OSU 41, Toledo 17.


I would agree with this score prediction. Toledo will put up some points...Opelt is a very good QB with a cannon for an arm and has no problem chucking it 60 times a game. The OSU defense will end up being too much though and Pryor and co. get the offense some points.
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