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Game Thread Ohio State 37, Penn State 17 (final)

LordJeffBuck;974608; said:
10) Could there possibly be two more overrated players in the country than Derrick Williams and Justin King? Both were "five-star" recruits coming out of high school, yet both are playing like "three-star" guys, and neither would start for Ohio State right now ... or even be in the two-deep. Throw in Anthony Morelli and A.J. Wallace, and Penn State has four "blue chip" recruits who aren't doing much of anything right now.

PSU and scUM have a history of turning 5* recruits into 2 and 3* disappointments

LordJeffBuck;974608; said:
11) Joe Paterno used to be a disgrace to Penn State, but now he's a disgrace to all of college football. Yes, it's official - JoPa has now forgotten more football than I know, and that's saying something. He's a good decade (or more) past his prime, and getting worse as time goes by. Even with his "rogue's gallery" of players (Connor, Scirotto, Quarless, etc.), he still couldn't give Ohio State a game tonight. Pathetic, truly pathetic.

Joe Pa is an Icon. Like Pop Warner and John Heisman. They have busts in the NCAA Hall of Fame. Joe Pa needs to retire so his can join them

LordJeffBuck;974608; said:
12) The Big Ten is Ohio State, and everybody else. It's a one-team conference, with all of the other teams being irrelevant on the national level. And it's been that way since 1966, with the exception of Penn State in 1994 (undefeated, but no title) and Michigan in 1997 (AP title only). Yes, the national media are correct - the Big Ten is a joke ... with the exception of Ohio State, who can play with any team in the country.

Sadly, this is the truth. Right now, the only teams scUM can beat are Big Ten teams. If they are our #2, we are a very weak conference right now.

LordJeffBuck;974608; said:
13) Dare I say it? Todd Boeckman is a better quarterback than Troy Smith. Not as good an athlete, not a "dual threat", not as likely to make the "big play", not a highlight reel waiting to happen, not a Heisman candidate, but better at basic quarterbacking skills - reading the defense, standing in the pocket, releasing the ball quickly, making accurate throws. TB is more than capable of winning a national championship ... this year.

Don't dare to say it. Scream it from the hill tops. Todd is a much better prototype drop back passer than Troy. He makes great reads. His only knock is that at times, he has way too much faith in his arm. I'm sure he thought that ball would go through Dan Connor like salvo round and end up in Hartline's waiting arms like a sleeping baby.

LordJeffBuck;974608; said:
14) The Buckeye defense looked a bit soft tonight, but could that have been the scheme? I'll defer to those who know (osugrad21), but it looked to me like the Buckeyes were conceding the middle of the field. And, they gave up only ten points, to a decent Penn State team, on the road, at night, during "white out" conditions. Just another day at the office for this bunch....

I think our defenseive coaches recognized that the real threat with PSU was the passing game. PSU had a 3rd and 2, and we had a nickel package in with three down linemen. Not much respect for Kinlaw and the running game
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Top-ranked Buckeyes use offense to silence Penn State

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) -- Most of the fans inside Beaver Stadium headed for the exits quickly at game's end except for a sliver of red-clad diehards in the corner of the end zone.
With gleeful Ohio State players leading the way, the crowd threw up their arms to spell out each letter in "Ohio."
Happy Valley belonged to the top-ranked Buckeyes, who cruised to a 37-17 victory over No. 24 Penn State on Saturday night.



Buckeyes make statement with offensive power at Happy Valley

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- Three hours before kickoff, a guy in a grim reaper outfit was swaggering through Penn State's sprawling tailgate acreage. On his chest was a checklist that read:
10/6 -- #1 USC
10/13 -- #1 LSU
10/13 -- #2 California
10/18 -- #2 South Florida
10/27 -- #1 Ohio State

Don't fear the reaper, Buckeyes.

Meanwhile, the rest of the nation had better commence fearing The Vest. Again.

In a season where being highly ranked is a veritable death sentence, Tressel Ball seemingly has everlasting life. The upset scythe was not coming down on any Buckeye necks Saturday, no matter how loud the night or bright the white in Beaver Stadium. Their regular-season winning streak now stretches across 27 games after shredding Penn State, 37-17, avenging their last loss right here two years ago.

This season has not followed anybody's script, and that prominently includes this Ohio State team. After losing the 2006 Heisman Trophy winner and seven other NFL draft picks, the Buckeyes are right back where they were a year ago: undefeated, largely unchallenged and in command of their own destiny.

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schwab;974389; said:
Herbie has OSU as his #1, while Corso has OSU #2 and Oregon as his #1. Of course, Corso also has BC representing the Big East at #5 :!.

FWIW, Corso doesn't actually have a vote in anything. Not the AP. Not the Harris. Not the MCS Poll. Not even ESPN's Power 16.

I guess what I'm saying is, let Corso vote Temple #1 every week.
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I dont know what the formation was but one almost looked like a wishbone with Saine in a three point stance near the tight end, and i dunno what you call the other formation? They even at one point had Small in the backfield and I was thinkin he'd be used on a run, but he atually made 1 hell of a block!

Anyways all these formations and all this movement and yet we still didn't give the ball to saine/Small. Sooner than later you will see Saine on an end around/reverse or something like that.

Also on the defense I agree they looked softer than usual. But like it was stated we often had 3 lineman (1 linebacker as an end) and had nickle formation. This really hurt us and I think with a offense that lives on the run (wisconsin/Ilinois) coming up we'll have a better day on defense the next couple weeks
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a female perspective: :p

1) Whiteout, schmiteout. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of environment we play in, Tressel has the team focused and ready to kick butt. And that stadium was rocking.

2) Doesn't Penn State know better than to focus so much on Laurinaitis? If you take him out of the equation someone else (read: Freeman) is going to have a career game. It's just the way it is with this team.

3) Their attempts to pin us inside the 10 didn't matter so much either. Todd marched us right down the field. As much as I loved Krenzel and Troy, Todd is a gamer. I loved that he didn't get down after he threw the interception. He seems to really exude confidence.

4) Pretorius has turned out to be a great kicker. His 50-yarder really set the tone early. And 100% in a hostile environment: what more could you ask for?

5) I think Trapasso was pissed that he didn't get to punt the ball. He was ready to smack them in the mouth on kickoff returns! That hit he made was awesome.

6) Penn State's defensive line was supposed to be a very good unit. Kudos to our O-Line. Boeckman had a lot of time to throw last night. And Cordle was snapping with his left hand? That's crazy!

7) It's good to see that our TE's are coming out to play. Ballard is a very nice weapon, and I'm glad Rory could have a great game in his home state.

8) I'm echoing LJB regarding PSU's "5 star" recruits. They did not impress me at all. Robiskie was having chicken a la King for dinner all night long. (My apologies to him if he's a vegetarian :p)

9) I didn't notice, but what's the pants report on JoePa? Was he able to keep his panties clean this time?

10) May the ass-kickage continue! Bring on Wisky! :oh:

(Notice I didn't talk about the Red Sox once? :p)
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scooter1369;974804; said:

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) -- Most of the fans inside Beaver Stadium headed for the exits quickly at game's end except for a sliver of red-clad diehards in the corner of the end zone.
With gleeful Ohio State players leading the way, the crowd threw up their arms to spell out each letter in "Ohio."
Happy Valley belonged to the top-ranked Buckeyes, who cruised to a 37-17 victory over No. 24 Penn State on Saturday night.

We can play in a hostile envornment, at night, or even with "a white out" as yesterday's game proved. All the screaming hostile fans can not overcome the will of the Buckeye nation. This is a good day for Ohio State football and I'm proud to be be a Buckeye fan. Our numbers were few sitting in the corner of the endzone, but they showed that the real strength of the Buckeye nation extends not only from those present in Happy Valley but also through the many loyal fans watching, listening and posting across the country.

Go Bucks :osu:
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buckeyemark;974843; said:
I think we all know deep down that Florida and LSU are better than us, and I'm glad that we don't play in the SEC or we would be 5-4.
I don't know anything of the kind. I know that Fla was better than us last Jan. but now is now.
I will believe we are better unless we lose to them or anyone else.
I said at the beginning of the season that I beleived that we could win the NC and I still do. Until we lose we are better than anyone. period.
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Buckeye86;968824; said:
Yeah, but if anything, I think our offense will come out pissed off and maul people, especially the offensive line. Look for some interviews with Kirk Barton after the game last week, he was extremely upset with their performance, and I think that will translate to motivation all week which will translate to mauling people in Happy Valley.

Is there a pat yourself on the back smiley?? :)
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Great game last night. I've been careful to get too excited about this team, but they just keep handing out beatdown after beatdown. Washington hung around for a while, and MSU's defense made things look close, but in reality, all 9 opponents have been clearly out-classed. With all the stacked teams the Buckeyes have had since 1993, this is only the third win at Happy Valley!!! And this is the only game where the outcome was not in doubt with a minute to play.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Buckeyes should continue this trend in their next two home games with 14+ point victories. I'm also going to go out on a slightly weaker limb and claim that Michigan will win at MSU and Wisky. Therefore, after all the wacky upsets and OSU's "rebuilding year", things will be back to two undefeated teams going head-to-head in The Game.

So, since our last trip to Happy Valley, the Buckeyes have gone 28-1. Impressive.
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