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Game Thread Ohio State 33, Washington 14 (Final)

POJO_Risin;930093I'm not sure why everyone is so high on Henton...I've seen nothing there that makes me say future OSU QB... [/quote said:
Because a lot of us watched him play a flawless game to win the Georgia state championship in the Atlanta Dome, where he made all the runs and all the throws imaginable.
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they've been having Todd take too many 5 step drops and read the defense.. just get th ball out quick to our recievers.. gosh just ware this team out! we have HUGE line and if we just sustained drives we could seriously just tire them out with beanie/Saine

I don't know bout you guys but when I heard that Pretorious was the starter I thought it was totally CRAP. You have a kicker in Pettrey who has game experience and did quite well, and you switch kickers? wtf?
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I'm glad someone said it...

I'm not sure why everyone is so high on Henton...I've seen nothing there that makes me say future OSU QB...

OF course...watching Boeckman in the first half makes ANYONE look worthy...

Pryor and Vince Young are the two best HS players I have seen in 15 years.

Pryor is, technically, the future. The question is whether he redshirts next year. Regardless he'll take us to BCS games every year he starts.
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