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Game Thread Ohio State 33, Washington 14 (Final)

exactly... get BEANIE AND SAINE ON THE EDGES!!!!!!!!! I didn't see any movement on the line on our 4th down play. Too bad because Beanie was about in the endzone. It went from being almost 10-0 to 3-7 thats something you can't have as a young team
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Man I've been thinking this since game one! Not trying to bash Todd, but I don't think he's the future. Henton is. I'd love to see them go with him this year and let him get comfortable running the spread so we can have him ready for a national championship run next year!

Uh, Henton isn't the future either. Barring any unforeseen developments Terrelle Pryor is the future.
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Man I've been thinking this since game one! Not trying to bash Todd, but I don't think he's the future. Henton is. I'd love to see them go with him this year and let him get comfortable running the spread so we can have him ready for a national championship run next year!

But back to today. I agree that this is a game we SHOULD win. Just gotta quit making mistakes. :oh:
I revert to my former answer. Way too early for that panic button.
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Man I've been thinking this since game one! Not trying to bash Todd, but I don't think he's the future. Henton is. I'd love to see them go with him this year and let him get comfortable running the spread so we can have him ready for a national championship run next year!

But back to today. I agree that this is a game we SHOULD win. Just gotta quit making mistakes. :oh:
:io: Lets Kick Some Ass In the Second Half!
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