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Game Thread Ohio State 33, Washington 14 (Final)

The Scum loss to ASU was such a disaster that it gave the media exactly what it was looking for... An outlet for sensationalism and derision of anyone or in this year , the B10. The more they could make out of that loss by deriding the whole conference the better off for them. They live for controversy and speculation.
The B10 is down overall this year so we would have been talked down to anyway. Mich just made it worse. We would have to win the NC just to break the conference even.
If we win they will say we are overachieving, If we lose they will say AHA we told you so.
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Did anyone see much of the Michigan game? I wonder if UM improved that much defensively......or is ND really THAT bad?

ND is THAT bad, they have no offense, no defense, honestly, they might be one of the worst 5 teams in college football. At this point I they win ANY games I will be impressed. They look like they have no idea what's happening out there.
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23Skidoo, the B10 woes are not limited to this season. The supposed #1 and 2 teams in the country, which recieved insane amounts of hype last November/December, were pantsed in their respective bowl games. The B10 has a perception problem right now, and the teams are doing nothing to dispel that, as a whole, on the field.

You have a point there. But nothing the conference has done (or not done or done un-impressively) seems so horrible that ESPN would run a halftime skit (during a B10 game no less) about how nobody in the conference deserves to play in a BCS game (specifically, the Rose Bowl).
I find that to be poor "journalism", a blatant attempt at sensationalism, and/or evident that *some* people have a grudge. And I believe Herbie is pandering to that.

Here is the Brutus2002 theorum of conference loyalty.

I could care less if the entire conference loses every stinkin game. I hope scUM loses and get their asses handed to them every weekend. I'm getting tired of the SEC this and the SEC that blah blah blah blah fucking blah. If the Buckeyes win I'm happy. I don't give a shit if its against Rocko Junior College for Auto Mechanics. The argument is stupid and theirs no way to gauge how good your conference is. The Bowl games is the best way but if you have 2 BCS teams it knocks your 3rd ranked team into a spot against a higher ranked team(usually) Lets sit back and watch the Buckeyes. If we go undefeated we will play for the NC no matter if we have a weak schedule or not!!!

For the most part I agree. I'd rather not see the Bucks playing "Rocko Jr College." I'm not trying to do a conference chest-thumping, I just made a comment that I think ESPiN is full of bs and I think Herbie panders to it.
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Sigh...I see that I did a horrible job introducing analytic thinking as obviously you did not get the point. And I do not appreciate you attempting to rebuke and disrespect my analysis and opinions with condescension.

Because they're almost completely irrelevant. This college football season is like night and day compared to last year and so is our team. I know we weren't good against the run last year. What's your point? It doesn't have to do with this year's team.
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Read more, then reply. You should find your answer 2 or 3 times.

Well, I have neither the time, nor the inclination to go back and read 20 some pages, but from your arguments, you seem to feel the B10 is being unfairly judged. To that I say, why? As a conference, on the heels of two embarrassing bowl defeats to the conferences top two teams, the conference (as a whole, not pointing fingers) is again underperforming (as a whole). The supposed NC contender's only win is against a moribund Notre Dame team. At least we showed something, in the second half, today. Hopefully that helps.

Fuck it...we won...Have a beer and bring on the Wildcats.
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The Scum loss to ASU was such a disaster that it gave the media exactly what it was looking for... An outlet for sensationalism and derision of anyone or in this year , the B10. The more they could make out of that loss by deriding the whole conference the better off for them. They live for controversy and speculation.
The B10 is down overall this year so we would have been talked down to anyway. Mich just made it worse. We would have to win the NC just to break the conference even.
If we win they will say we are overachieving, If we lose they will say AHA we told you so.

That's pretty much all I've been saying.
Yet somehow saying it in a way *critical* (rather than in an apathetic "oh well, that's just how it is" attitude) of the "perpetrators" means I'm trying to make an argument that the B10 is the best conference. :ohwell:
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I live in the heart of SEC country and its really hard to watch and talk football with anybody down here...downright impossible. I had a guy tell me today that we have a slow team. Then I mentioned we had the most NFL draft choices in the last 14 years and shut the hell up. I can't imagine how bad it sucks for OSU fans that live in Florida. The BS hype the media spins on a weekly basis is ridiculous as well.

My point is this...if OSU takes care of its business who cares what everyone in our conference does...screw em. I hope we the NC game just to piss people off. If teams like Michigan take a header that helps us recruit better and keep the fence around Ohio. This conference loyalty shit is getting way out of control. How does Wisky or PSU winning help us? The BCS formula is set to where SOS means very little. There will be no more than 3 teams undefeated at the end of the year...probably 2 or less. OSU fans and players need to worry about our team and let the rest take care of itself.
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The Scum loss to ASU was such a disaster that it gave the media exactly what it was looking for... An outlet for sensationalism and derision of anyone or in this year , the B10. The more they could make out of that loss by deriding the whole conference the better off for them. They live for controversy and speculation.
The B10 is down overall this year so we would have been talked down to anyway. Mich just made it worse. We would have to win the NC just to break the conference even.
If we win they will say we are overachieving, If we lose they will say AHA we told you so.

That's all well and good... if the App State game were the only embarrassing blemish on the Big Ten's record this season. However, since that game and the derision that has come with us, the teams in the conference collectively have done little to diminish the criticism.
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Maybe its just me, but I find it kind of hypocritical that the media is, at every chance they get, claiming that the Big10 is terrible this year, and then ranking 3 of its members in the top 12 nationally. Its kind of like they are setting themselves up for a win-win, in that if one of those teams goes on a tear and wins the NC they can say "Look we had them in the top 10 all year" and as soon as they lose they can say "Look we have been telling you how horrible the Big 10 is all season and this loss just proves it." If you (the media) really think the Big 10 is that bad, then why is it the only conference in the country that has more than 2 teams ranked in the top 12? And how is the number 7 team in the country not worthy of the Rose Bowl when that ranking would get them into any BCS bowl except the NC? To me at least, it just seems incredibly inconsistent.

EDIT: After further research, the PAC-10 does have 3 teams in the top-11, but seeing as how UCLA just got embarassed and Louisville lost, I think it is safe to say that after the new rankings come out the B10 will have 3 top 10 teams.
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