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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

CentralMOBuck;1327265; said:
Jenkins was about to blow a top on that no call, thank god a flag came flying in from someone else! Anyone else think Illinois is a dirty team? Sure they have gotten a lot of big hits, but quite a few have been to the head or out of bounds.

they have played very dirty. I hope we put 60 up on them.
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Evan;1327262; said:
Way to get in that BS refs face Jenkins! I can't even begin to understand how the ref downfield had to throw the flag...just terrible...JT, send game tape to the Big10

  1. I love the fire Jenkins shows but I don't think he should be getting in the face of an official... that's JT's job.
  2. The Big10 has asked the coaches to send them calls they thought were not up to par every week so JT does have the opportunity to bring to light a couple of these calls.
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Honestly, I wasn't sure about Pryor when he came in. I was pretty sure he was playing games with the media- milking the cow. A little through the season I started to realize I was wrong and the kid was actually trying to make an informed decision about his future. This also set it up so I hated his attitude coming in, cocky, and he hadn't proved shit yet. Now I look at him and the he runs things like a Pro, shows leadership, and his main goal appears to be winning. I couldn't ask for more especially with the on the field talent he has. Today he continues to show that, talking to the SENIORS and getting them refocused. I'm extremely proud of this team, and Pryor makes me even happier. I'm sitting here listening to Florida fans in my ear about how much he sucks and how over rated he is.

Fact is, they're afraid of the future. :oh:
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